Are you considering stopping eating and drinking dairy? Then you notice that in your body. These are the five health benefits.
Are you considering eliminating dairy products from your diet? Before you make the choice to completely stop eating and drinking dairy, it is good to know exactly what effect this can have on your body. These 5 things can happen to your body if you stop eating and drinking dairy:
Dairy can cause headaches due to a natural chemical commonly found in cheese called tyramine. People who eat a lot of cheese are therefore more likely to suffer from migraines and headaches. So stopping eating dairy products, such as cheese, can help with your headaches. However, you should make sure that you do not get a vitamin B2 deficiency when you remove dairy from your diet, because that can also cause you to get migraines. Products such as mushrooms, almonds and spinach also contain a lot of vitamins B2 , so they can help you maintain your level.
You may not be lactose intolerant, but research has shown that 65% of the world's population has difficulty digesting milk. That would be because many people don't have enough lactase, the enzyme you need to properly digest cow's milk. If you don't have dairy eating more can improve your digestion and you will probably feel less bloated. It can take a while before you notice this difference, because when you adjust your eating pattern, it can also happen that you initially suffer from bloating.
Quitting dairy can have a positive effect on your skin. Your skin can improve a lot. Cow's milk often contains hormones, which in turn react to the hormones in your own body. This can cause your body to produce more sebum, which causes your pores to clog faster and you get a rash faster. Of course, stopping dairy products does not immediately mean that you will no longer have impurities, because the rest of your diet will also be must be healthy and in balance for the optimal effect on your skin.
Creamy pasta, cheeses and pizzas:all products with a significant amount of dairy. When you stop eating and drinking dairy products, you may start to think more carefully about what you do eat. This is how you can use this calcium-rich replace products with other calcium-rich, non-dairy products, such as spinach, kale, and white beans. As a result, you may have more energy, because your diet will consist of more nutrients.
Due to the high amount of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in cow's milk, drinking and eating dairy can cause mood swings. The hormones in the dairy They respond to the hormones that your body produces naturally. So if you stop with dairy products, there is a good chance that you will suffer less from those annoying mood swings.
Image:Getty Images
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