Do you have eczema on your hands?
Me too, I have one that appears as soon as I stress!
And as it itches a lot, I sometimes scratch until I bleed...
Result, my hands become red with scabs on the skin.
Fortunately, there is a natural grandmother's remedy to quickly cure eczema without using cortisone creams!
The effective treatment is to apply an aloe vera leaf impregnated with sesame oil to the plaques . Watch:
1. Cut an aloe vera leaf in the middle by following this tutorial.
2. Pour a few drops of black sesame oil on the pulp of the leaf.
3. Pass the pulp of the leaf on the plates.
There you go, you have relieved your itchy eczema :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
This natural treatment is particularly effective in soothing dry eczema.
The itching subsides quickly and the plaques gradually disappear.
And it also works for patches of eczema located on the face, fingers, feet and toes.
Since there are no contraindications to using aloe vera, this remedy can even be used to relieve baby eczema.
Aloe vera is a natural product proven to relieve many types of eczema.
Thanks to its active components (minerals, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, mucopolysaccharides), this plant acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Its pulp reduces inflammation and soothes itching.
Thus, aloe vera moisturizes, nourishes and soothes the skin. It also promotes healing.
As for sesame oil, it is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamin E and lecithin.
It is particularly recommended to soothe dry or irritated skin because it regenerates and softens the skin.
If you don't have aloe vera leaf, you can use aloe vera juice to relieve eczema.
To do this, soak a compress in aloe vera juice. And apply it to the areas to be treated. Let it act for 10 min.
Repeat this treatment several times a day for several days, until the plaques disappear.
Remember to change the compress each time.
More Info
More and more people are affected by eczema. It is an increasingly common skin disease.
Did you know that among all chronic inflammatory skin diseases, eczema is the most common?
It is the cause of more than a third of consultations with the dermatologist!
It should be noted that industrialized countries are subject to heavy pollution, whether atmospheric, agricultural or otherwise.
And coincidence or not, in these same countries, between 2 to 10% of adults and up to 30% of children are affected by eczema. Worrying, isn't it?
The modification of the eating habits of babies accustomed very early to industrial food is also singled out.
Because this is not without direct consequences:very quickly, infants are exposed to all kinds of food allergens present in their food.
There are several kinds of eczema:atopic, seborrheic or contact dermatitis.
In any case, it is a non-contagious inflammation of the skin. It results in very unpleasant or even unbearable redness, scales and itching.
Sensitive people may experience eczema flare-ups. During these attacks, the symptoms are even more prominent. Periods of remission then follow.
Symptoms may last for one to two weeks and return regularly for many years.
To reduce the frequency and importance of seizures, it is recommended to avoid eating peanuts, foods made from wheat, cow's, goat's or mare's milk, fish, crustaceans and molluscs as well as egg white and chocolate.
Stress, like allergens, is also a potential cause of eczema.