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The 9 Virtues of a Magnesium Chloride Cure.

The 9 Virtues of a Magnesium Chloride Cure.

Magnesium chloride is a very inexpensive remedy that can provide relief from many little ailments.

Did you know that it was discovered by a French surgeon during the 1st World War?

Its first use was to fight infections by increasing the power of white blood cells.

But there are many other indications for its use.

Do a 3-week cure and discover its 9 virtues.

The 9 Virtues of a Magnesium Chloride Cure.

The 9 virtues of a 3-week cure

1. It leads to a general well-being, and it is recommended in case of depression, but also insomnia, stress, anxiety and nervousness.

2. It is good for the skin, and can relieve symptoms in cases of eczema, psoriasis, stubborn acne or age spots.

3. It can help cure respiratory diseases, flu, angina, bronchitis and asthma.

4. It seems that he obtains good results on rheumatism.

5. It fights against fatigue in general, facilitates recovery after an illness and fights against aging.

6. It is a thyroid regulator.

7. It participates in the activation of digestive enzymes and fights constipation.

8. Its presence promotes the action of vitamin C.

9. It effectively fights wound infection.

The dosage of a magnesium cure

It often comes in the form of 20 g sachets, to be diluted in a liter of water.

The taste is unpleasant, but it can be reduced if mixed with sugar water or fruit juice (not citrus fruits which are too acidic).

Drink one glass each morning when you wake up:to make it easier to swallow, remember to keep the bottle in the fridge.

In case of diarrhea, just reduce the doses.

The effects of magnesium

We now know that magnesium is essential in the functioning of the body, which however has no reserves:it must therefore be provided by a daily intake.

It is also necessary for the fixation of calcium in our body.

However, magnesium is currently in short supply in our diet, even though it is essential since it is present in all living tissues and organs.

Magnesium chloride sachets can therefore provide the beginning of a simple and very inexpensive solution.

In any case, it is THE solution that I have adopted, and I am delighted! By itself, it replaces a whole bunch of other drugs.

Where to buy magnesium chloride

You can buy magnesium chloride online. The price is around €6 for 100g .

You can also find it in all good pharmacies.