If there is a flourishing industry that does not know the crisis ...
...it is that of food supplements.
There are some for all needs:boosting memory, fitness, libido...
Everything is an excuse to sell us a box of capsules, obviously very expensive...
Well, stop these unnecessary expenses now!
I found you THE natural supplement which brings together all these benefits for much less :magnesium chloride.
You do not know ? So, discover 10 good reasons to start a magnesium chloride cure now:
One of the most appreciable advantages with magnesium chloride, is that it is effective very quickly .
We immediately feel its positive effects when it comes to treating everyday ailments.
Sore throat, skin infection, digestion problem, our star product is the quick and effective solution to use.
Magnesium chloride even helps fight more serious diseases such as poliomyelitis or other infectious diseases.
Magnesium chloride not only has healing powers.
It is also a good way to prevent everyday ailments by significantly strengthening our immune defences.
Magnesium deficiencies, which we all know to a greater or lesser extent, are even his specialty.
Appreciable when you know that this lack is the cause of many ailments (primarily fatigue), whether physical or psychological.
Magnesium chloride is widely acclaimed by its users because it fights several ailments at once.
It is ingested for a specific concern, and our whole body benefits from its benefits.
I had some problems with constipation.
Well, the magnesium chloride not only made the pain go away, but it made my pimples on my face disappear.
Another example. Like many, I have a demanding job that stresses me out and tires me a lot.
So I decided to take magnesium chloride.
I was not only in much better shape, but it had a super beneficial effect on several parts of my body.
Fortified hair, stronger nails... even my migraines which usually hurt me a lot were more bearable.
Suffering like many people from insomnia, I thought why not try a cure of magnesium chloride.
Well, believe it or not, I got back to a totally restorative sleep.
I even felt that my body was much stronger in the face of the harshness of winter and its many illnesses.
I who always have a little health during this period, I stayed in great shape!
Magnesium chloride does not just cure a pathology, it acts on the whole body .
I therefore advise you to test it yourself for a few days.
It is the assurance of being in better shape while strengthening your body.
France is one of the countries that consume the most antibiotics in the world.
It is also a real health issue when you know that their prescription is very often exaggerated, even unsuitable!
Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria . So why prescribe them for diseases whose origin is viral?! CQFD
I'm not sure what the Social Security formula said about that anymore, but she was right.
"If they are used wrongly, they become less strong".
Because yes, by dint of consuming antibiotics at all costs, bacteria get used to them and we no longer fight them as effectively.
That's where magnesium chloride comes in.
This 100% natural product replaces these famous antibiotics to naturally strengthen our immune system.
We then fall into the following virtuous circle:improved health, fewer illnesses, less medication.
And icing on the cake...
If we still get sick, magnesium chloride helps us get better much faster.
Magnesium chloride has no major contraindications and poses no danger.
It can be taken by children, the elderly, adults, pregnant women...
The only precaution to be taken is for people with kidney failure, hypertension or on a salt-free diet.
In a large majority of people, the cure of magnesium chloride does not cause any side effects.
It may happen that it gives the "current" in some people.
It is a temporary effect without gravity which is quite easily regulated.
Reduce the quantities a little to make these symptoms disappear.
You see, nothing too bad compared to the multiple benefits that magnesium chloride provides.
You just have to go to the pharmacy to find magnesium chloride or on the Internet here.
It is most often sold in small individual sachets of 20 g.
You can also go to an organic store and ask for "nigari".
What is nigari?
It is an ingredient that coagulates soy milk and is used in Japanese cuisine to make tofu.
You can use it instead of magnesium chloride, as it contains almost 85%.
If you don't know which to choose between magnesium chloride and nigari, read our article here.
It is very simple to prepare a solution based on magnesium chloride.
Pour the powder or nigari into 1 liter of water and drink 1 glass of this potion every morning.
We don't promise you the most exquisite flavor, but you quickly get used to the taste.
If the taste does not pass for you, you can cut it with orange juice for example.
Magnesium chloride is very inexpensive.
A pack of 20 g can be bought for 1€ in pharmacies.
These 20 g allow you to concoct 1 liter of mixture, or 8 doses of 125 ml (the equivalent of a small glass).
As for nigari, it is even more economical.
Organic stores (such as Biocoop or Naturalia) sell this product at around €1.80 for 100 g.
That's 5 liters of solution!
And if you want the ultra economical formula, get it in bulk.
Indeed, at 5 or 6 euros per kilo on average, you can prepare 50 liters of solution.
What to let see coming! We approach a minimum 20 cures over 3 weeks for a handful of euros.
Ask the "elders" around you.
I'm sure some of them will tell you that when they were little, they often took magnesium chloride cures.
And it worked so well that they probably continue to use it today.
If you are still not convinced, take the test!
A drop in form, a little depression or a surge of stress?
It's time to do a 3-week cure.
The bodily and mental benefits set in immediately.
In turn, you will become an unconditional prescriber of magnesium chloride.
In any case, this word of mouth convinced me personally and I don't regret it!
This product is not really part of the purse of traditional medicine and powerful laboratories.
Little polemical reflection on this subject.
If everyone started consuming this cheap product, what would become of the lucrative dietary supplement industry...
Are you convinced of the benefits of this white powder?
And you want to know how to use it concretely?
The instructions are very simple!
Simply pour a 20 g sachet into 1 liter of water.
1 dose =125 ml (one small glass).
So with this liter of water you get an 8 doses of magnesium chloride.
Magnesium chloride has a simple dosage.
Once you have made the mixture, you can drink 1 serving every 6 hours for 48 hours.
After 48 hours, take one dose every 8 hours until fully healed.