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THE Natural Tip to Stop Ruining Yourself on Aspirin.

THE Natural Tip to Stop Ruining Yourself on Aspirin.

Migraine affects a large portion of the population.

And getting to the end of it is sometimes a real... headache.

If, like millions of French people, you are prone to migraine…

This natural solution could really help you protect yourself from it.

Maybe even better than an aspirin.

Here's how to replace it effectively!

THE Natural Tip to Stop Ruining Yourself on Aspirin.

  • Magnesium chloride
  • Dosage
  • Precaution

So if the drugs don't work, why not try a natural trick:magnesium chloride?

Magnesium chloride

Migraine can have several origins:hormonal, ophthalmic, food, environmental, etc.

In short, in most cases, it is caused by an external element...

And what protects the body from the external elements better than any medicine and for less cost? Magnesium chloride.

From the first cure, chloride has an effect on the immune defenses and therefore on most migraines. Without making them disappear, it softens them strongly.


To strengthen your immune defenses effectively, it is recommended to take a chloride cure every year.

Do this cure for 3 weeks.

A sachet of magnesium chloride is diluted in 1 liter of water. Just drink a large glass (20 cl) every morning.

But it is also advisable to drink a glass of it as soon as the migraine arrives to fade it immediately.

It is extremely easy to find magnesium chloride, either in pharmacies or on the Internet for 5-6 €.


Do you have to follow a salt-free diet?

Always ask your doctor for advice before doing this treatment.

Because chloride is rich in salt.