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Panama Cherries:13 Incredible Health Benefits No One Knows About.

Panama Cherries:13 Incredible Health Benefits No One Knows About.

Never heard of Panama cherries ?

Well you are about to discover this little-known fruit!

This cherry is very berry-like and grows on a very fast-growing tree.

This is why it is also called "Bay of Panama".

No wonder little is known about this fruit because it grows mainly in Asia and Latin America.

Panama Cherries:13 Incredible Health Benefits No One Knows About.

Researchers and nutritionists have taken an interest in this fruit, and discovered that it has incredible health benefits, both preventive and curative.

If you are interested in your health and nutrition, this list of the 13 benefits of panama cherries should help you. Watch:


1. A powerful antibacterial

As you probably know, bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to antibiotics. We use too many antibiotics to such an extent that the bacteria have mutated, their strains are getting stronger and are resistant to everything.

This berry is a natural antibiotic that fights staphylococcus, intestinal bacteria, sepsis and diphtheria. Other tests show that it also helps fight other forms of bacteria.

2. An important source of vitamin C

About 100 gr of berries is equal to 150 mg of vitamin C. We already know that this vitamin helps prevent flu and colds. But it is also a powerful antioxidant. The Panama berry could even be beneficial against certain types of cardiovascular diseases.

3. It relieves gout attacks

Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in your body which causes significant pain. It appears when you consume too much of certain foods (alcohol, drinks that are too sweet, fatty meats and organ meats) and you don't drink enough water.

Of course, panama cherries cannot cure gout. However, eating about ten berries, 3 times a day, can greatly relieve the pain (which is not nothing in a gout attack).

4. It relieves headaches

People who suffer from severe headaches experience constriction of blood vessels. Panama berries relax the blood vessels, so blood can flow normally again without pain.

5. It is useful for diabetics

People with diabetes fight their disease all their lives. They have to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels and have to take regular medications or injections.

Panama cherries help lower blood sugar. Thus, regular consumption can decrease medication intake or injection doses. This berry is also regularly used as a preventive measure against diabetes, in countries where it is widespread

6. It has strong antioxidant properties

Oxidation is a chemical process in your body that releases free radicals. These free radicals form chains and are thought to be responsible for certain cancers and other diseases.

Antioxidants kill free radicals. The Panama berry is full of antioxidants! Indeed, it contains 24 different flavonoids as well as phenolic compounds. Not sure what exactly flavonoids and phenolic compounds are? It does not matter ! Just remember that these are valuable aids for your body!

7. It contains important nutrients

The fruit itself contains fiber, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins (which are great mood boosters).

With all of these nutritional benefits, it's no wonder the panama berry is a staple in other parts of the world. It is eaten raw, but also in jams and jellies. It can also be cooked for sauces or other.


The ancients already knew the benefits of the Panama berry and also its leaves. So they dried the leaves, crumbled them to infuse them.

Here are the known benefits of panama berry tea:

Panama Cherries:13 Incredible Health Benefits No One Knows About.

8. It has a painkiller action

Although the fruit itself is analgesic, the tea also blocks pain receptors in the body.

Here's how it works:You have nerve cells all over your body. When they receive pain stimuli (a cut, a bee sting, etc.) they send messages to the spinal cord and the brain and you perceive the pain. Panama berry tea blocks these sent messages, like an opiate, but without the harmful side effects.

Like the fruit, the tea is excellent for headaches, gout pain, and other arthritic joint pain.

9. It could have a preventive action on cancer

Research shows that the leaves of this tree have properties that work to reduce and prevent cancerous tumor growth.

Much more research needs to be done of course, but don't you wonder why cancer was less active in ancient societies?

Obviously, the populations did not undergo all the environmental dangers like us (and yet, people also smoked a lot, or chewed tobacco, and their drinks were very strong:booze and brandy). But in these warm climates, locals used many of these plants regularly.

10. It reduces inflammation

Inflammation often presents as swelling of the joints and tissues, and all with fevers. Panama cherry tea is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory. People who live in regions where this tree is widespread, consume a lot of this tea to fight against inflammation.

11. It reduces blood pressure

High blood pressure is caused by many things in modern society (smoking, salt, high fat diets, and heredity).

When blood vessels are narrowed and constricted, it becomes more difficult for blood to flow through the body and therefore causes pressure on your vessels. Thus, this high blood pressure can cause heart attacks or strokes.

Berry tea contains high amounts of nitric oxide, a natural chemical that relaxes blood vessels so blood can flow freely, reducing pressure.

12. It is good for the heart

Panama berry tea contains specific antioxidants that prevent the inflammation responsible for myocardial infarctions or heart attacks.

13. It improves digestion

You can make a soothing drink from the flowers of this tree (they can be boiled and infused up to two times). It is a soothing drink against stomach aches, bloating, and indigestion.

Where to find Panama cherries?

Finding this berry in Europe is a bit difficult. In any case, not much serious on the Internet. If you have interesting tracks, do not hesitate to share them in comments.