We all agree:you have to take care of your heart.
Otherwise, the consequences are numerous:fatigue, breathing difficulties, poor blood circulation...
And if you have cholesterol, it's even more important to be careful.
Fortunately, there is a miracle product that can help you lower cholesterol. And guess what... It's not expensive!
That grandmother's remedy is magnesium chloride. It is enough to make a cure of it to limit the cholesterol level.
1. Put 1 liter of water in a bottle.
2. Pour in 1 sachet of 20 g of magnesium chloride.
3. Shake to mix.
4. Drink a glass of it every morning.
5. Continue for 3 weeks.
And now, with this simple gesture, your cholesterol will tend to decrease :-)
Such a cure allows both to guard against cholesterol, but also to treat if it is already there.
You will see, it will help you feel fit by strengthening your immune defenses for the whole year.
Me, I get a cure every year, and I really feel the difference.
A course of magnesium chloride per year, at the rate of one glass every morning for 3 weeks, will lower the level of triglycerides in the body .
It will stimulate HDL levels, the so-called "good cholesterol", the one that keeps our metabolism going.
Are you interested in magnesium chloride? Nothing could be simpler, you can find it in pharmacies, organic stores or on the Internet.
Precaution: if you follow a salt-free diet or suffer from kidney failure, consult your doctor before starting this cure.