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The Natural and Effective Remedy to Relieve Period Pain.

The Natural and Effective Remedy to Relieve Period Pain.

Headaches, stomach cramps, tight breasts, irritability. .. are some of the symptoms you may experience before your period begins.

Do you also feel these unpleasant or even unbearable signs as D-Day approaches?

Fortunately, there is a natural trick to relieve premenstrual pain without drugs.

The remedy is to drink magnesium chloride diluted in water. Watch:

The Natural and Effective Remedy to Relieve Period Pain.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Take a sachet of magnesium chloride.

2. Dilute it in a liter of water.

3. Drink a glass of the solution as soon as the first symptoms appear.


And There you go ! With this natural remedy, premenstrual pain will fade quickly :-)

No more migraines, fatigue and unpleasant acne breakouts!

Remember to renew the intake up to 2 glasses a day until you feel better.

Know that a glass is about 200 ml of water.

Why does it work?

Researchers have shown that a calcium/magnesium deficit is, among other things, responsible for these phases of pain.

Drinking a glass of magnesium chloride can fill this deficiency and reduce muscle cramps.

Magnesium chloride is known to relieve many pains or minor health concerns such as eczema for example.

Remember to eat a diet rich in magnesium as your period approaches. Magnesium is found in bananas, dark chocolate, almonds, walnuts, salmon or sardines and non-fluoridated sea salt.

It's time to enjoy this delicious chocolate banana dessert, good excuse, isn't it?