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The Effective Grandmother's Remedy Against Seasonal Depression.

The Effective Grandmother s Remedy Against Seasonal Depression.

A little bit depressed?

Between autumn and the COVID-19 pandemic, it's not easy to keep your spirits up right now!

Wondering what to do to get better?

Better to avoid taking medicine for depression!

Fortunately, there is an effective grandmother's remedy to fight against seasonal depression.

The natural treatment to avoid depression is to take a course of magnesium chloride . Watch:

The Effective Grandmother s Remedy Against Seasonal Depression.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Bonus tip
  • Why does it work?
  • Where can I find magnesium chloride?
  • Did you know?

What you need

- 20 g of magnesium chloride

- 1 liter of water

How to

1. Take 20 g of magnesium chloride.

2. Pour it into a 1 liter bottle of water.

3. Shake the bottle to mix.

4. Drink a glass of your remedy morning and evening.

5. Continue this cure for 3 weeks.


There you go, the blues are over! Thanks to this remedy, you will quickly find the fishing :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

This magnesium cure will boost you.

You will burst with energy and feel more dynamic.

In addition, you will find your good mood and see life on the bright side!

You will quickly find a smile and the desire to take things in hand.

Also remember to tidy up because it helps to get better.

Additional advice

The Effective Grandmother s Remedy Against Seasonal Depression.

- You can do a preventive magnesium chloride cure of 3 weeks.

This helps prevent a drop in morale.

The little blues are quite common when the seasons change:spring, late summer or early winter.

This also happens during very busy periods, such as back to school in September.

We often have slumps at these times.

- If you are going through a temporary depression, that you are depressed for no reason, that you have a loss of morale, do not be discouraged.

A cure of magnesium chloride can restore your smile naturally.

But beware, magnesium chloride is a salty natural product. It may therefore not be recommended for certain people (salt-free diet, diabetes, etc.). Talk to your doctor first!

Bonus tip

If depression is threatening you, a cure of magnesium chloride can also give you a little boost.

It is a useful complement to medical and psychological follow-up.

The treatment can then continue for several months.

But talk to your doctor first before starting this treatment.

To discover: 20 Things to NEVER Forget When Loving Someone With Depression.

Why does it work?

Magnesium chloride is a real anti-fatigue weapon.

When you have a deficiency in magnesium chloride, you notice severe fatigue, a drop in morale, greater nervousness or even insomnia problems.

We then risk falling into a vicious circle.

Filling this lack of magnesium chloride with a cure can break this circle and quickly regain morale.

All without taking medication!

Where to find magnesium chloride?

You can find magnesium chloride in organic stores and pharmacies, or even here on the Internet.

Did you know?

In his book Healing Virtues of Magnesium , Dr. Raoul Vergini refers to the work of Louis Robinet.

According to the latter, there would be a link between the suicide rate and the richness of magnesium in a land.

Conducted in the middle of the 20th century, his research would have shown that suicides are less frequent in regions where the soil is rich in magnesium. According to him, the difference is 60%! It's huge!

Even if the causes of suicide are multiple, he concludes that a person who regularly absorbs magnesium salts is more stable and better equipped to deal with problems.