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3 Clay Remedies For Winter That Gandhi Was Already Using.

3 Clay Remedies For Winter That Gandhi Was Already Using.

Clay has wonderful virtues.

In the kitchen, in cosmetics, but also in health care, it is an essential partner for winter.

Natural, cheap and ultra-effective, clay seems to have been forgotten. It is nevertheless essential and infallible for many evils.

Clay, I love it and I can't live without it.

I use it as much for my cosmetic face care as to treat small daily ailments. Discover the many virtues of clay:

3 Clay Remedies For Winter That Gandhi Was Already Using.

Poultices for winter ailments

1. Sore throat?

I cook myself a little homemade syrup to do some good for my throat and prepare myself a poultice of clay that I place on my neck to clear my throat.

2. Bronchitis?

Above all, I stay in bed! And I alternate giant hot clay poultices on my chest, then on my back. Of course, I allow myself small inhalations with plants (thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus) and reassuring herbal teas.

3. A gastro?

In addition to my healthy reflexes against gastro, I never forget the poultices green clay on the abdomen .

How to do?

1. Pour into a bowl 1 tablespoon of clay and 3 tablespoons of mineral water. Attention, no metals in contact with the clay because they denature its active principles. So I use a wooden spoon.

2. Then place the mixture in a thick layer (2 or 3 cm), on a compress or a clean cloth in natural textile (cotton, linen, etc.) Unlike other textiles, they do not diminish the effectiveness of the clay.

3. Lie down and apply the poultice to the area to be treated for about 20 minutes. If you're worried about it falling out, wrap the poultice with an elastic band without squeezing too much.

4. For serious illnesses, renew the poultice as soon as it has become completely dry.


There you go, you have relieved your ailments naturally thanks to clay :-)

Why it works

Its virtues are therefore multiple:antibacterial, remineralizing, relaxing, draining, anti-inflammatory, haemostatic, etc.

His secret? It absorbs toxins and facilitates healing.

I prefer to use green clays or white clays which are purer, more common and therefore less expensive (but just as effective).

Your turn...

I hope that my natural recipes will help you get better and avoid the great evils of winter. Leave me your comments to give me your impressions.