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4 Snoring Remedies For A Good Night's Sleep.

4 Snoring Remedies For A Good Night s Sleep.

How to have a good night when the person next to you is a fat snorer?

Discover 4 natural remedies for snoring, so you can finally enjoy a good night's sleep.

Who doesn't know a snorer around them?

A sign of good health among the Chinese, snoring is for many harmful in everyday life insofar as it does not bother the snorer, but the person sleeping near him.

Then it's time to learn a little more about the different ways to calm this often irritating noise.

4 Snoring Remedies For A Good Night s Sleep.

  • 1. The weight
  • 2. Position
  • 3. Avoid alcohol
  • 4. Unclog your nose
  • Savings

1. The weight

The first point is to watch your weight, being overweight is the main cause of snoring.

A study by Inserm proves it:out of 850 men aged 22 to 66 (Revue des Maladies respiratorys, 2007, n° 4), snorers are bigger. They have larger neck, waist and hip measurements, as well as a higher waist-to-hip ratio.

Be careful, they can also be prone to sleep apnea. It is then necessary to consult a doctor quickly.

2. Position

The second trick is to sleep on your stomach.

Why ? Because, with this position, your tongue automatically positions itself forward and lets more air through.

It seems clear that this will not be enough to stop loud snoring (>95 dB), but it can reduce the noise of more moderate snoring (<60 dB).

3. Avoid alcohol

Third tip:avoid alcohol in the evening.

In order to understand its mechanism, snoring appears during sleep, when you inhale. The tissues of the palate and uvula then vibrate when the air passes through. The more these tissues are relaxed under the sedative effect of alcohol, the greater the risk of making noise.

4. Unclog your nose

Finally, don't forget to decongest your nose to avoid temporary snoring! When you have a cold, for example, nasal congestion reduces the passage of air through the respiratory tract.

To avoid any problems, consider using a humidifier, inhaling plants or taking decongestant or antihistamine medication as a last resort!

Savings achieved

Sleeping well is as important for your health as it is for your finances. Indeed, you will avoid turning to vitamins, medicines or all types of products that can keep you in shape.

Also remember that a healthy diet is the basis of good health and necessary for your daily energy.

Save money by making all kinds of recipes based on pasta or rice, the cheapest foods on the market, but also among the most energetic.