On weekends, I love to garden.
But, the earth, the water, sometimes the cold, it's the perfect equation to have dry and rough hands.
And at my work, there is no question of having damaged hands...
So every Sunday evening, I give my hands a moisturizing, natural and economical treatment.
Here are my 3 favorite natural recipes to have hands as soft as silk.
This is my favorite recipe, simply because it is very simple to make. All the ingredients are in my kitchen! Honey and olive oil have a strong moisturizing power. It's a real treat for my damaged hands and it's the one I use the most.
Here is the recipe:take a bowl. Put a teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Pour a teaspoon of olive oil. Add two teaspoons of pure honey. Add an egg yolk. Mix to obtain a paste. Coat your hands with this mixture. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with soap and water.
To soften my hands, I also use another recipe. This one was given to me by my grandmother. I admit that it is also very effective. Lemon softens and smoothes the skin.
Here's how:Take a bowl. Put a tablespoon of lemon juice in it. Add a tablespoon of glycerin. Apply this mixture on your hands. Leave to rest for 20 minutes. Rinse with soap and water.
When my hands are particularly damaged, especially during the winter... I go to great lengths:a treatment with lemon essential oil and sweet almond oil. Sweet almond oil has a strong moisturizing power and lemon essential oil is an excellent purifier. Just what my hands need after an afternoon spent in the garden!
To do this treatment, you need a bowl. Add 10 drops of lemon essential oil. Mix with a tablespoon of sweet almond oil. Massage your hands with this mixture. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with soap and water.
There you go, thanks to these 3 remedies your hands are now as soft as silk even during the winter :-)
If you liked my treatments, it is better to choose good quality products to do them. You can find the ingredients in a grocery store or here:
- Organic olive oil
- Pure honey
- Glycerin
- Lemon essential oil
- Sweet Almond Oil