Did you know that it was possible to treat certain health problems with vodka?
Or others with adhesive tape? Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
And yet, these weird home remedies really work!
Their effectiveness has been proven for generations.
The advantage of these home remedies is that you probably already have everything you need at home to use them. Especially in your kitchen.
Do you have a hiccup attack that won't stop? Or did you burn yourself eating a slice of pizza that was too hot?
No problem ! Use one of those weird home remedies that really work. Watch:
Your feet don't smell of violets? Rub them with a cloth soaked in vodka to eliminate unpleasant odors. Vodka contains alcohol, known for its antiseptic and drying properties .
As a result, vodka destroys odor-causing bacteria and fungus and dries up moisture that encourages these nasty organisms to thrive.
FYI, this little trick also works with 90% alcohol (in case you prefer to drink your vodka).
To discover: 19 Uses of Vodka Nobody Knows About.
Most people in a state of stress or anxiety have an unconscious reflex:they clench their jaws and grind their teeth. As a result, the muscle that connects the jaw to the temples is overworked, which can quickly trigger a specific type of headache:tension headache.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution. “Put a simple pencil between your teeth, but don't bite it,” says Dr. Fred Sheftell, director of the Headache Research Center in Stamford, Connecticut (USA).
With a pencil between the teeth, the jaw muscles will automatically relax and prevent headache pain to show up.
To discover: 19 Natural Remedies To Fight Anxiety WITHOUT Drugs.
Preliminary research indicates that bacteria in yogurt have the power to eliminate bacteria jackal breath generators.
According to Dr. John C. Moon, a dental surgeon in Half Moon Bay, California (USA), the "good" bacteria in yogurt can eradicate the "bad" bacteria that cause bad breath or create an unfavorable environment that prevents their proliferation. .
To discover: The Incredibly Simple Homemade Yogurt Recipe.
Listerine, one of the best known mouthwashes, is also a powerful antiseptic which works wonders for clearing blisters.
The method recommended by Dr. Janet Maccaro, holistic dietitian and certified nutrition counselor in Scottsdale, Arizona (USA), is simple.
Soak a piece of cotton wool with a little Listerine. Dab the affected area, 3 times a day. Continue the treatment until the blister is completely dry and painless.
To discover: Better Than Listerine! Our 100% Natural Mouthwash Recipe.
Lemon balm infusions are one of the best treatments for cold sores.
“Lemon balm has known antiviral properties to control cold sore attacks ,” says Dr. James Duke, author of The Power of Plants:All Plants That Prevent and Heal.
To prepare one cup of lemon balm tea, use the equivalent of 2-4 teaspoons of lemon balm.
Let cool and dab your cold sore with cotton wool soaked in herbal tea. Repeat the treatment several times a day, until the cold sore disappears.
To discover: 9 Grandma's Remedies To Cure Cold Sores Quickly &Naturally.
"Licorice contains substances, similar to estrogen, which have the power to soften hard skin corns and calluses,” says Dr. Georgianna Donadio, director of the National Institute of Holistic Therapy in Maryland, USA.
To use this homemade licorice paste:crush some licorice candies.
Then mix them with 1/2 spoon of petroleum jelly and apply this mixture on the rough and hardened skin of your feet.
To discover: Homemade foot care to regain soft skin.
For an express mini-massage arches, take off your shoes and roll a tennis ball under your feet for 1-2 min (a little trick that also works with a golf ball or even a simple can).
To soothe muscle twitching in the feet, roll a bottle of frozen water under the soles of your feet.
“Relieve rashes by applying olive oil directly to irritated areas,” says Dr. Christopher Dannaker, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of California, San Francisco.
Olive oil is packed with antioxidants, known for their ability to reduce inflammation related to eczema.
In fact, olive oil is used as the basis for many moisturizing creams. But by using it alone, you can enjoy the benefits of olive oil WITHOUT the toxic products found in commercial moisturizers.
In addition, the antioxidant properties olive oil helps prevent and repair skin damage that can cause wrinkles and age spots.
Rub 1 teaspoon of olive oil on about 7 cm2 of skin:this treatment forms a protective layer that prevents the skin from drying out. For more damaged skin, wrap the affected areas with stretch wrap after oiling them. Then, leave on overnight to ensure adequate hydration of the skin.
To discover: My Little Tricks To Relieve Eczema.
A teaspoon of sugar swallowed dry can stop a hiccup in just a few minutes, according to Dr. André Dubois, professor of medicine at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences of Bethesda, Maryland (USA).
Sugar is thought to modify muscle/nerve reaction . It is this reaction that is responsible for the spasmodic contractions that generate hiccup attacks.
A little good thing to know, but to use with moderation! Indeed, sugar addiction is a real problem that can wreak havoc on your body.
To discover: The 3 Clever Ingredients to Make Cakes WITHOUT Sugar.
Listening to the right variety of music on your iPod for 30 minutes a day can lower blood pressure, according to researchers from the University of Florence (Italy). .
Their study indicates that people taking medication for high blood pressure lower their blood pressure even more when they listen to music while breathing slowly.
The systolic pressure value (the first of the two values) of the people who participated in the study decreases 3.2 points on average in one week . A month later, the value is further reduced by another 4.4 points .
To discover: 12 Free Sites to Listen to Unlimited Music on Computer.
Motion sickness causes excessive production of saliva, which can lead to nausea, doctors explain.
However, one of the main chemical compounds of olives, tannins, dries out the mouth and can help you fight gagging due to motion sickness.
At the first signs of nausea, nibble on a few olives. And if you don't like olives, there's another trick that also works against nausea:sucking on a slice of lemon.
To discover: The Remedy That Works For Transportation Nausea.
To really treat dry nails , we must attack the root of the problem:the lack of hydration of the nails.
Along with regular use of moisturizing hand cream, try this nighttime treatment recommended by dermatologist Anna Glaser.
Before going to bed, rub your hands with a little vegetable oil. Then, put on latex gloves (or wrap your hands in cling film) to avoid staining your sheets.
Thanks to latex gloves (or stretch film), the vegetable oil penetrates the skin deeply , which prevents your hands and nails from drying out.
To discover: The Best Remedy for Dry Hands.
The tissue that covers the roof of your mouth is only a few millimeters thick. As a result, it is particularly sensitive to hot foods.
So when you can't resist biting into a slice of freshly baked pizza, ease the burn with a good dollop of cream or frozen yogurt.
"The cold ice cream will relieve the pain, and for a long time," confirms Dr. Richard Antaya.
You can also drink a few sips of a cold drink or even melt an ice cube in your mouth (remove the ice cube from your mouth as soon as it starts to hurt).
To discover: Burning Tongue:What to Do to Relieve the Burning Sensation.
In a NASA-funded study, researchers at the University of Wheeling, West Virginia (USA), studied the reactions of 25 college students to various traffic jam situations in a driving simulator.
These students reported that peppermint reduces feelings of fatigue or anxiety by 20%.
Similarly, peppermint and cinnamon reduce frustration while driving by 25%, increase alertness by 30% and make their journey time seem 30% shorter.
Don't like chewing gum or candy? So, invest in a car essential oil diffuser.
To discover: THE Homemade Chewing Gum Recipe Finally Revealed.
When you chew chewable fruits and vegetables, they act like little toothbrushes. Why ? Because they have a cleaning power that removes stains from tooth enamel .
This is particularly the case with apples, "which contain a weak acid — malic acid — which helps dissolve stains on the teeth," explains Dr. Jennifer Jabow, of the dental practice Park 56 Dental in New York City.
To discover: 3 Grandma's Tricks For Whiter Teeth.
At the first signs of a urinary tract infection, drink a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 25 cl of water.
Continue this treatment once a day, until you can do a medical examination with your doctor and follow an antibiotic treatment if necessary.
"Baking soda promotes a more alkaline environment bladder, which reduces the bacteria's ability to reproduce,” explains Dr. Larrian Gillespie, assistant professor of urology and urogynecology in Los Angeles.
To discover: 43 Amazing Uses of Baking Soda.
To prevent a cut from becoming infected, sprinkle it with powdered cloves, advises Dr. Duke.
Clove oil has a high content of eugenol, a chemical compound known for its antiseptic and analgesic properties .
To discover: The 5 Benefits Of Clove.
This tropical fruit contains papain, an enzyme capable of destroying dead cells on the surface of the skin which makes your skin dull, rough and prone to rashes.
Applied twice a month, this papaya exfoliating mask makes the skin softer, smoother and more radiant :
Peel and rinse with clear water the equivalent of 2 tablespoons of papaya. Put the papaya in your food processor. Add 1 tablespoon of dry rolled oats and mix.
Gently pat this mixture on your skin, previously cleansed. Leave on for 10 minutes before cleaning with a damp washcloth.
Papaya enzymes do not irritate the skin. This is why this treatment is particularly suitable for people with sensitive skin .
However, just as a precaution, do a small test on your hand before applying this mask to the affected areas of your skin.
To discover: Baking Soda + Coconut Oil:The Best Cleanser For Problematic Skin.
Yes, this remedy can actually remove warts! In fact, covering a wart with repair tape is even more effective than "burning" it with cryotherapy, according to a study published in the scientific journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine .
In this study, duct tape removed 85% of warts after 2 months, compared to a lower success rate of 60% for the cryotherapy method.
To apply this treatment safely, you must first cleanse the affected area.
Then, cut a piece of strong tape a little larger than the wart. Apply the adhesive tape by pressing carefully on it, to spread it well and stick the skin.
Every 3 days, remove the tape and remove dead skin with a pumice stone or nail file. Continue to apply tape until the wart disappears. Duct tape contains chemicals that suffocate and kill warts .
To discover: 13 100% Natural Remedies to Cure Warts.