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6 simple home remedies for a stuffy nose

The 'r' is in the month again and many people suffer from colds. This often manifests itself in a stuffy nose. With these 6 simple home remedies for a stuffy nose you can breathe freely again in no time.

Causes of a stuffy nose

You know it:it's cold, wet and bleak and before you know it your nose is clogged again. Breathing is only possible through the mouth with all its consequences (dry mouth and sore throat). Talking in a normal way is also no longer possible, your voice clearly shows that your nose is blocked. In most cases you suffer from a cold virus, especially in the months with an 'r' in it.

In addition to a blocked nose due to a virus, you can also suffer from a blocked nose as a result of an allergy. A stuffy nose is no exception, especially if you are allergic to dust mites and animals in general. In that case, there is an allergic cold, also known as allergic rhinitis.

Other causes of a stuffy nose are:smoke, dust, dry air and certain substances that react on the airways.

In this case, many people quickly reach for a bottle of nasal spray. However, this is not recommended. Because even the nasal spray can cause a stuffy nose after prolonged use. That way you won't get rid of it and you will only make the problem worse. So try the home remedies below to get rid of that annoying stuffy nose.

Reading tip:Natural tips against coughing and tickling cough

6 Simple home remedies for a stuffy nose

You really don't need expensive remedies to do something about the stuffy nose. It is often the home-garden-kitchen remedies that provide sufficient relief.

1. Steaming to clear the airways

The simplest and most effective way to clear your airways is by steaming. You can buy an inhaler for this, but a simple heat-resistant bowl, almost boiling water and a towel will suffice. The steam ensures that the mucus from your nose is moistened and that way it is easier to drain by the body. You can add some salt to the hot water. Or opt for essential oils such as peppermint, thyme, anise or eucalyptus.

The advantage of an inhaler is that you burn less quickly. An inhaler is also easier and more pleasant for children to use.

Warning:do you or your child suffer from asthma? Be sure not to use any essential oil. Certain oils can trigger an allergic reaction. In the worst cases, the vapors can even cause an asthma attack or breathlessness!

2. Nasal shower

Whether you suffer from a stuffy nose due to a cold virus or pollen, a nasal douche is a good aid. this is even the first recommended by ENT doctors if you suffer from your sinuses or sinuses or have chronic problems with a stuffy nose.

To rinse (shower) the nose, you can use lukewarm water or a saline solution. That rinsing takes some practice, but you are guaranteed to get a clear nose. Below you will find a video of how this works when using a Rhino Horn.

For the use of a Rhino Horn you can use normal table salt. Make sure that this salt is without added iodine as it can sting your nose. Sea salt or Himalayan salt is completely fine. Choose fine grains, because they dissolve more easily in the lukewarm water.

3. Drink a lot when you have a cold

In addition to all kinds of home remedies, it is important to keep drinking when you have a cold. If you drink enough, your body will get enough fluids. That moisture is necessary to be able to dissolve the mucus more easily and faster. It is best to drink water. Are you tired of water? Then you can also drink tea. For example, opt for peppermint tea, which is also expectorant thanks to its high menthol content.

4. Vitamin C for colds

It has long been known that vitamin C is indispensable if you want to recover faster. You can use vitamin C supplements for this or drink a glass of hot water with lemon added. Tip:do not use boiling hot water for the lemon. The boiling water destroys all the good substances and you want to prevent that. So let the water cool down a bit first. For a nice taste and because it is good, you can add some honey to your lemon water.

5. Onion and garlic for a stuffy nose

You've probably heard it, because it's a tip from grandma. Place a cut onion next to your bed and feel instant relief. The same goes for garlic. Don't feel like putting an onion next to your bed at night? Peeling and cutting an onion can also help. The substances in onions that make your eyes water, also ensure that the mucus in your nose is released.

Can't stand the smell of onions and garlic? Then take a cotton ball and sprinkle a little peppermint essential oil on it.

6. Moisten the nasal mucosa

The most important thing with a stuffy nose is to moisten the nasal mucosa. If the nasal mucosa is moist, the mucus dissolves faster. Don't feel like steaming and do you have a bath at home? Then sit in a reasonably warm bath and inhale the warm vapors deeply. Preferably put some sea salt, peppermint or thyme in the bath so that the vapors you inhale can do their job well. You do not need to use an essential oil for this. Buy organic tea and put it in the bath. Do not stay in the bath for more than 10 – 20 minutes.

Note:do not take a bath if you suffer from high blood pressure or fever. After all, a bath is an extra burden on your body.

Another way to moisten your nasal mucosa is to use a saline nasal spray. You can make this yourself, but you can also buy it at the drugstore.

Congested nose due to the use of nasal spray

Not only a virus or allergy can cause a stuffy nose. If you regularly use a nasal spray containing oxymetazoline or xylometazoline, you will notice relief immediately after use. That's because these substances reduce the swelling in your nose. This lasts for several hours. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to use nasal sprays for more than a week in a row.

The reason? If you use nasal spray for more than a week, your body gets used to it. The result is that you are more likely to suffer from swelling in your nose. As a result, you quickly end up in a circle:your nose is clogged faster again, you reach for the nasal spray, it works for less and less time, you reach for the nasal spray again, etc. There is a good chance that your body will become 'addicted'. The only remedy for this is:completely stop using nasal spray.

When to go to the doctor with a stuffy nose?

In principle, you will be rid of your stuffy nose within a week. If it is not over after a week, it is useful to contact your doctor. This also applies if you get other complaints such as fever or pain in the sinuses. In that case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What do you do to get rid of a stuffy nose?