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Fighting Anemia:3 Effective Helping Hands to Boost Your Treatment.

Fighting Anemia:3 Effective Helping Hands to Boost Your Treatment.

If you have anemia, I advise you to carefully follow the treatment that your doctor gave you.

However, I know how long these treatments can be.

And, while waiting for the beneficial effects, fatigue is felt since you lack iron.

Here are 3 natural and effective boosts that will help your body regain the strength it needs to fight even harder against anemia.

1. The rest you will learn

Anemia is a lack of red blood cells and iron , you know it. And when you lack iron, you are tired .

No need to spend all your days in bed, your body needs to regain strength . Contrary to popular belief, it's not by not moving let it happen.

You will have to eat foods rich in iron, so you have to make hungry to his body. So, we walk, we do a little sport (not too much) if we can. And above all, you learn to tame your sleep :all our tips here.

2. The right foods you will eat

With a well-considered rest, a little sport and an appropriate treatment, the first efforts are already made.

It's now about helping your body to find a stock of iron and keep it . There are foods rich in iron, a natural way to do good for an anemic organism.

- Meats :we rush on black pudding, liver and in general red meats, which have a better iron intake than white meats. For vegetarians, I recommend replacing the portion of meat with a portion of bran cereal.

- Vegetables :the vegetable with the most iron is of course spinach. Not everyone likes it, but really it contains a lot. We also bet on lentils and beets.

- Fruit :dried apricots, almonds, tomatoes and walnuts are rich in iron . You can eat it for breakfast. There are also apples and figs.

- Seaweed :spirulina and chlorella are two seaweeds containing a lot of iron, which are now easily found in organic stores. They are often eaten in powder form, to add to your fruit juices (preferably apple, orange and tomato) or to your salads.

3. To keep your iron you will learn

Recovering iron is one thing, keeping it is another. For this, it is necessary to eliminate certain foods and favor others.

- We prefer :egg yolk (preferably raw), honey and dairy products rich in vitamin B12, which help to fix the iron that we consume.

- Forget the tea which promotes the elimination of iron. Prefer a verbena or a chamomile in the evening at bedtime.

So follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor, it is of course the first effective thing to do. And let me know how you're eating and resting during this difficult time in your comments.