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Reading:The 4 Unknown Health Benefits.

Reading:The 4 Unknown Health Benefits.

Reading is good for your health! And yes, reading is not only used to get by in society or to discover the masterpieces of French literature. There are 4 health benefits that should make you want to open a book more often.

Reading is, of course, escaping, cultivating oneself, keeping oneself pleasantly busy. Let's go into detail about the beneficial aspects of reading in our lives.

Reading:The 4 Unknown Health Benefits.

1. Spelling and Academic Success

Reading is first and foremost an apprenticeship. Even if children eventually learn quite quickly to decipher words, this is not enough to make them real readers.

Learning the spelling of our beautiful French language is a bit difficult. Reading will naturally help our children to assimilate more and more words , and to obtain a vast vocabulary. Knowing how to speak can, moreover, save you from perilous situations.

If your child does not yet have a taste for reading, show him that you read, you, and share with him, by reading him stories.

2. Escape and Get Busy

When I pick up a book, I'm sure to have a good time , by practicing a calm, restful, de-stressing activity. After a hard day, I don't want to get bored with the noise of the television which, moreover, tires me and doesn't help me fall asleep.

I then like to swap my impressions of my reading, with friends, and understanding what these books have provoked in them. Dialogues are built, and I love it!

3. Good for the Brain

Reading has a positive effect on the brain. An American study, published in the journal Science , has shown that learning to read gives the brain the opportunity to use regions intended for other functions.

If you register and subscribe to Science magazine , you can read the published studies, for more information.

In other words, reading requires the brain to use its "reading" region, but also its "visual information" or "communication and speech" regions.

These brain regions communicate with each other, associate written letters with sounds, making readers more receptive to visual and auditory stimuli. They accelerate learning and stimulate memory .

4. Fight against Diseases like Alzheimer

When you know all this, you immediately see what beneficial effects reading can help prevent or help treat diseases such as Alzheimer's for example.

Nothing like a memory and speech stimulus to help engage the brain adequately. Reading delays cognitive decline.

It's quite logical. Take a top athlete , who trains and trains, and trains his body, endlessly repeats his movements. The brain will be stimulated in the same way, and will keep "in shape" longer than if it is not solicited.

In summary, reading is a real stimulus in our lives. From learning the French language, which is important in any professional field, to communication, or even to the maintenance of our brain, without forgetting the pleasure it provides, really, we would be wrong to deprive ourselves of it !

Especially since reading may not be very expensive (libraries, book-crossing, book exchanges...)

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