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The health benefits of apricot

The health benefits of apricot

Every year, many people wait for the return of the apricot in the summer for its unique and fragrant taste. We are used to enjoying it in the middle of summer and it is one of the most popular fruits. In addition to this unique flavor and smell, the apricot is an excellent fruit for health , because it contains a wealth of various nutrients beneficial to the body.

Characteristics and nutritional value of apricot

Whether you eat the apricot fresh, dry or in juice, it retains many nutritional properties, because it is rich in:

  • Fibers
  • Vitamins A
  • Carotenoids
  • Antioxidants
  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Vitamin B3, B4, C, K
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium

At the same time, it should be noted that the apricot is low in calories (45 kcal per 100 grams of fruit or three apricots) whether fresh or dried. You should also know that the sugar in a dried apricot remains the same as in a fresh apricot. He's just more focused. This fruit is therefore very interesting from a nutritional point of view.

The medicinal properties of apricot

Several serious studies have been conducted on the medicinal properties of apricot. They have shown that consuming this fruit regularly and in abundance helps reduce the risk of certain cancers, chronic diseases and cardiovascular diseases. It owes these protective effects to the many antioxidants it contains. On the other hand, there are very few studies on the direct specific effects of apricot on health. It should therefore be considered as a dietary supplement in any case.

Apricot and fibers

People prone to constipation can consume apricots, as they contain fiber to regulate transit . A diet rich in fiber would contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the control of diabetes TII. It should be noted that half a cup of fresh apricot fills about 7% of the daily fiber intake of young adults. The same proportions with dried apricot fill a little more than 10% of these contributions.

Carotenoids in apricot

Thanks to the carotenoids contained in the apricot, in particular beta-carotene transforming into vitamin A, the growth of the body can be done normally. This same vitamin A helps maintain healthy eyes, skin and immune system . It is also found in dried apricot, but a little less than in fresh apricot.

Apricot, anti-inflammatory?

A Japanese study shows that consuming 3 dried or pickled apricots would help reduce chronic gastritis and also have anti-inflammatory effects. To date, other ongoing scientific studies will confirm or refute this hypothesis.

Dried apricot for athletes

Dried apricot is recommended for athletes. Not only is it a very good source of energy thanks to the vitamins, minerals, fiber and potassium it contains. It provides athletes with the necessary nutrients for the muscles during intensive efforts. It is also a concentrate of carbohydrates and a mineral refill necessary for the body during a competition .

Products derived from apricot

Apricot oil is a perfect product to use in case of earaches . Just put a few drops of the product in the ear canal to relieve the pain. This same oil can still be used in the treatment of acne and redness of the skin by applying it on pimples. Apricot oil is also used in massages to balance the nervous system and maintain healthy skin. Apricot juice is also known to reduce fever thanks to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. . It is possible to take it in concoction with a little water and a large spoonful of honey twice a day. Ground apricot kernels are another excellent skin scrub.

Apricot-related contraindications and side effects

As you will have understood, apricot is excellent for health. Nevertheless, it can create digestive disorders in certain sensitive people or even allergies . If in doubt, you are advised to see your doctor immediately. At the same time, the apricot is often treated with sulfur dioxide in order to retain its color and nutrients. This product is also a trigger for allergies in some people. People with asthma should also be wary of dried apricots treated with sulfites.