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The health benefits of chamomile

The health benefits of chamomile

Chamomile is a plant that is found everywhere in France. It is well known for its soothing virtues , because it is often used as an infusion in the evening to fall asleep peacefully. Chamomile has other medicinal virtues and can also be very useful to decorate certain small temporary worries of everyday life.

In what forms can chamomile be used?

Chamomile can be used as an infusion or compress, but also as an inhalation, lotion or ointment. It has healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can act on certain everyday ailments.

Recognize chamomile

Man has been using chamomile for millennia. The Egyptians embalmed the tombs of mummies with chamomile essential oil, moreover, it was found in the tomb of Ramses II. Chamomile is a perennial plant reaching up to 30 cm in height. The leaves are small, narrow and light green. Its flowers look like tiny little daisies with a big yellow heart and white petals. Chamomile blooms in summer, between August and September. They can be found everywhere in France and more particularly in Anjou.

Menstrual pain

Many women experience stomach pain on their first days of menstruation. Chamomile tea is a great help in relieving these kinds of painful cramps. In this case, you should drink three cups of infusion a day to alleviate the pain until it disappears. In essential oil, Roman chamomile can help alleviate these pains. You have to mix a few drops with vegetable oil and massage the belly gently with it. These massages can still be sovereign during rheumatism, sprains or muscle contractures.

Digestive disorders

If you suffer from proven gastroenteritis, inflammation of the stomach, bloating or diarrhea , you must, of course, go see your doctor. You can also take chamomile tea after each meal of the day. Cover your infusion so that the active ingredients of the product do not evaporate. Chamomile will fight the bacteria responsible for your intestinal disorder without destroying the flora. If you suffer from stomach acid, chamomile will also greatly soothe this disorder, as it contains flavonoids with antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory powers.

Anxiety and stress

If there is a plant that acts on anxiety and stress, it is chamomile. You can add a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil in your bath. On leaving, you will be more relaxed. If you can't fall asleep well at night, put a drop of essential oil of Roman chamomile under the soles of each of your feet and along your spine. If you are overworked, sad or neurasthenic, smell this same essential oil for a few seconds. It will help you calm down better. At the same time, never exceed the dose written on the bottle.

Sore throat

If you suffer from a sore throat, chamomile will come to your rescue thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties . Take very hot inhalations and gargle several times a day. You can also add a very hot infusion, because chamomile also has antibacterial properties which are often the cause of sore throats in winter. You can still take chamomile tea before winter as a preventive measure against certain infections.

Irritated skin

If you suffer from irritated skin due to an insect bite, burn, sunburn or even eczema, the essential oil of Roman chamomile is sovereign. Just dilute a few drops of this oil in vegetable oil and then apply the mixture to the irritated area. You will quickly be calmed down. This same mixture is still very useful against canker sores. In case of conjunctivitis, you can still make an infusion of chamomile, let it cool and soak a compress with once the product has cooled and apply it to the affected eye.

Other benefits of chamomile

It is possible to drink chamomile infusions during stomach ulcers, renal colic attacks or gallstones as well as during certain symptoms associated with menopause. Chamomile tea is still recommended for children with sleep disorders. Chamomile is a supplement, but never a treatment. If these disorders are not identified or under medical treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

Chamomile is not recommended for people with asthma or severe allergies to pollen. This plant is part of the Asteraceae family and can cause allergic reactions such as rhinitis, nausea, vomiting or dizziness in the event of an overdose.