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The health benefits of plums

The health benefits of plums

Between the months of July and September, we find plums everywhere on the market stalls. These pretty fruits come in different qualities and varieties. They can be black, yellow, red or purple. Some can be dried and are then called prunes , others are consumed in juice or fresh. In any case, plums are very good fruits excellent for health .

Plum varieties

Around the world, there are more than 2,000 varieties of plums . In our country, we mainly find mirabelle plums, plum plums, quetsche plums and plums from Ente, which are made into prunes.

Buy plums and keep them

To buy good plums, they must be a little soft under the pressure of the finger. On the other hand, you should avoid buying hard plums, because they are not ripe and will never reach full maturity. It is also necessary to avoid damaged fruits which do not keep. To store plums properly, if they are not yet overripe, they can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. If they are in the refrigerator, it is advisable to take them out an hour before eating them.

Characteristics of the plum

For 100 grams of plum, the average calorie content is 71.3 kcal. Plum is very rich in minerals and vitamins. Thus, it contains:

  • Chloride
  • Calcium
  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese
  • Selenium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc from beta-carotenes
  • Vitamins E, K1, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9

Thus, the plum is rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals while being moderately caloric.

The virtues of plums

The plum has many interesting properties to help maintain good health. The dietary fibers contained in this fruit are very useful for treating constipation . In addition, studies have shown that thanks to its antioxidant properties, the plum would help reduce certain risks in colon cancer and also prevent the proliferation of certain cancer cells. Polyphenol also helps reduce anxiety .By consuming plums daily, the bad LDL cholesterol would decrease also and would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke .

The minerals and trace elements contained in the plum

Thanks to the potassium it contains, the plum is a great help in balancing the pH of the blood. It also promotes digestion and facilitates muscle contraction . Thanks to iron and therefore manganese, the plum also helps in the prevention of various damage caused by free radicals.

The health benefits of plums thanks to vitamins

Plum contains vitamin K which is needed to make proteins which are important elements in blood clotting . This same vitamin is also involved in bone formation . The vitamin protects against infections by strengthening the immune system , promoting iron absorption, accelerating healing and it also contributes to:

  • Cartilage health
  • Bone health
  • Gum health
  • Tooth health

Vitamin B6 found in plum participates in the metabolism of proteins, nerve cells, fatty acids, the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen while contributing to the proper functioning of the immune system.

Prunes, a treasure trove for health

The dried plum is called the prune which is an excellent ally for slimming. It contains a lot of fiber which are natural appetite suppressants , especially those that are indigestible and stay longer in the stomach, thus preventing the impression of hunger. When you eat prunes with meals, they facilitate the evacuation of fat . Although sweet, the prune contains only 20 calories. Thanks to the potassium it contains, prunes are recommended in case of high blood pressure . Potassium in prune helps prevent cardiovascular disease . The glucose contained in the prune is still recommended for the brain when it is very busy, such as during an exam period, for example. Magnesium helps fight anxiety . Prune is also useful for bones , especially in the case of fracture prevention.

Protector of the heart, cardiovascular system, digestive system, bone health and memory, the plum is still recommended for type II diabetics because it lowers blood sugar. As you will have understood, the plum consumed fresh or dried is a tasty, juicy fruit, excellent in taste as well as for health. In summer, do not hesitate to consume it to always be in better shape while having fun.