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My Protein Recipe to Build Muscle Faster.

My Protein Recipe to Build Muscle Faster.

Do you play sports and want to gain muscle mass? Following a workout, I recommend that you consume the following mixture, a clever mix of proteins and carbohydrates. Here is my recipe for gourmet athletes!

Proteins and Carbohydrates

We all know that protein is the essential constituent of our muscles. But the exclusive consumption of proteins is not enough, because without carbohydrates, they cannot be assimilated by our body. In fact, 2500 kcal of carbohydrates are needed to build only 500 g of muscle. To gain muscle, you must therefore also consume carbohydrates.

The following recipe offers the right proportions of carbohydrates and proteins for mass gain, from common foods.

The Recipe

  • 50 grams of plain cereal

  • 250ml skimmed milk

  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter

  • 1 banana

Put everything in a blender so that the mixture takes on a fluffy consistency. This ration will give you some 70 g of carbohydrates, 17 g of proteins and 10 g of lipids , for an energy value of 438 kcal.

I found this recipe in the book Muscular Food , by Suzan Kleiner, and I have to say it's the perfect magic potion for gaining muscle effectively. Besides, it's pretty good. It's halfway between a milkshake and a granola. Only obligation, do not add sugar!

Did you like this potion? Leave us a comment to tell us if your muscle mass has already increased. If you know of other protein recipes that have worked for you, please share them with us.