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The health benefits of marjoram

The health benefits of marjoram

Marjoram is a perennial plant from the eastern steppes, but which has become perfectly acclimatized in our gardens. This plant is part of the labiaceae family and strongly appreciates heat. It must therefore be grown in sunny soil, as it does not tolerate cold and does not tolerate humidity. Marjoram has been known since antiquity for its various medicinal properties. Here are these various qualities to help you overcome some small health inconveniences.

History of marjoram

This plant was already used by ancient Greek herbalists to help relieve rheumatism. They prepared an ointment from the plant to which they added sage, thyme, honey and basil. It also had the reputation of aiding digestion. The Egyptians concocted a product with marjoram to embalm the dead. It was also used as an expectorant and sedative against coughs.

Part used

In herbal medicine as in cooking, the flowering tops and leaves of marjoram are used.

Properties and indications

Marjoram is known for its calming properties during stress or excitability problems. It also helps to stimulate the appetite and regulate some digestive disorders. Marjoram is used to fight against sleep disorders, joint pain and stress. It is understood that this is only for help and that any health problem should cause a person to consult a doctor.

The active ingredients contained in marjoram

Marjoram would provide the human body with many antioxidants and thus protect it from certain free radicals which are harmful to health. It contains phenolic acids like:

  • Rosmarinic acid and
  • Luteolin
  • Flavonoids
  • Carnosic acid
  • Apigenin

Marjoram also contains many components and vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin K helps in bone formation, blood clotting and protein production
  • Calcium helps bone strength, muscle contraction and blood pressure maintenance
  • Iron needed to oxygenate the blood and form red blood cells
  • Manganese to protect against free radicals
  • Vitamin E helps protect cell membranes

Marjoram in essential oil

In essential oil, marjoram contains terpene, esters, camphor, borneol and sabinene allowing it to help fight certain bacteria, to help the dilation of arteries, to increase tone, to soothe the stress and reduce certain spasms. Tests performed on this oil show that its natural antibacterial and antiviral effects are effective against herpes. Be careful, essential oil is a strong product that must be used on the advice of a health professional. Marjoram essential oil is not suitable for pregnant women and children under a certain age. Taken in high doses, it can also interfere with sleep. Ask your doctor or pharmacist how to use it and under what circumstances.

Preparing a marjoram infusion

If a person suffers from a seasonal cold, spontaneous headaches or pains after a cold snap, they can make themselves an infusion of marjoram. To prepare it, simply pour boiling water over a large spoon of fresh or dried marjoram in a large cup and let it steep for ten minutes. The herbal tea is to be drunk three times a day. If after three days the person is not better, they should consult a doctor.

Preparing a marjoram inhalation

If a person has congested sinuses, he can add to his medical treatment, an inhalation of marjoram, three times a day. To prepare it, simply put four large spoons of fresh or dried marjoram in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Cover, then breathe in the steam for as long as possible, possibly putting a towel over your head when there is no inhaler provided for this purpose.

Marjoram in massage for joint pain

Crush 120 g of fresh marjoram with olive or almond oil. Close in a jar for two weeks in the sun and filter. Start again a second time by adding fresh marjoram then filter. Then massage the painful parts with the product obtained to relieve joint pain.

Marjoram and oregano

Be careful not to confuse medicinal marjoram with oregano. Although the two plants are very similar, they do not have the same virtues. Oregano has reddish stems and purplish flowers and its leaves are slightly more pointed than those of marjoram which are small and round. Oregano is used more in cooking than marjoram which is more reserved for herbal medicine.


People having treatment for blood clotting should ask their doctor if they can use marjoram because of the vitamin K it contains. Attention should also be paid to the risk of drowsiness associated with this plant when driving. The use of marjoram essential oil is also contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under seven years old.