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The health benefits of pumpkin seeds

The health benefits of pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds are extracted from the pumpkin . Pumpkin was used eight to ten thousand years ago and perhaps earlier in Mexico by the Algonquians and Menominis who then used them as a diuretic . Subsequently, settlers in North America ground them and mixed them with honey, milk or water and used them as a vermifuge . The Cherokee Indians also used pumpkin seeds to eradicate enuresis children (wetting the bed).

Pumpkin seeds, today

Until 1936, pumpkin seeds were used to fight against parasites of the digestive system, nephritis and various urinary conditions . They were administered in powder and paste form. Today, pumpkin seeds have medicinal properties known to help treat certain urination disorders especially when the prostate is enlarged in men or when a bladder is irritated .

How to use pumpkin seeds in case of benign prostate or irritated bladder?

To help treat an enlarged prostate or an irritated bladder , it is possible to eat pumpkin seeds. These seeds must be dried . Once they are consumable, simply break them to remove the shell and chew them well . There are also pumpkin seed extracts , but their standardization is not established in our country since they often come from Quebec. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Pumpkin seeds recognized by the WHO and the E Commission

The WHO and Commission E officially recognize that pumpkin seeds are effective in relieving:

  • Vidination disorders
  • Irritable or overactive bladder
  • Enlarged prostate

Pumpkin seeds are natural diuretics relieving these disorders well, but do not reduce the volume of a prostate. They contain:

  • Zinc
  • Phytosterols
  • Unsaturated fatty acids

A pharmacovigilance study has shown that symptoms related to enlarged prostate were relieved by approximately 40% with pure pumpkin seed extracts . The product is sold in Germany. Commission E experts stipulated that pumpkin seeds have an effect on urination and not on prostate enlargement. An ongoing study on rats shows that the oil extracted from the seeds inhibit prostate hypertrophy. This study should therefore be followed closely.

Pumpkin seeds used as a laxative

Pumpkin seeds are also used by some people as a laxative . They would have the same effect as black radish on the intestines and would also be a powerful vermifuge . They would thus help to eliminate roundworms , and even the tapeworm lodged in the intestines.

Pumpkin seeds and the immune system

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with iron . They help to strengthen the immune system and are very valuable in the fight against anemia and fatigue in winter. As they also contain magnesium , they are a natural solution to also fight anxiety . Used in oil, pumpkin seeds further help prevent the formation of dental caries and treat canker sores.

Nutritional values ​​of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain many minerals like:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

Pay attention to their caloric value , anyway, because 100 grams of pumpkin seeds contain 450 kcal. Consume them unsalted and 10 g per day is enough. If you roast them, they will no longer have laxative properties.

Eating pumpkin seeds is good for your health. To date, there are no known contraindications or adverse effects .Use pumpkin seeds as a dietary supplement, but never take them as a treatment without consulting your doctor . As they are prone to rancidity , buy pumpkin seeds from stores that stock up quickly. You should also keep them in the bottom of your refrigerator .