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The Health Benefits of Onions.

The Health Benefits of Onions.

We don't often talk about the benefits of onions, and yet. ..

Universal vegetable of all the cuisines of the world, but also used as a remedy by our grandmothers, it has many virtues.

We give you our secrets on the advantages of this vegetable plant.

The Health Benefits of Onions.

  • 1. Treat sore throats
  • 2. A good diuretic
  • 3. Heal wounds
  • 4. Good for general health

Of different shapes or colors, the onion is more likened to a vegetable with a savory taste or a cooking condiment than to its medicinal properties.

Coming from the same family as garlic, that of the liliaceae, it is its components that offer multiple beneficial uses for health.

1. Treat sore throat

In case of bucco-pharyngeal infection causing mouth ulcers, sore throats, angina, bronchitis and especially irritating coughs, the onion is very effective.

To effectively use the onion to heal yourself, you can prepare an infusion with 4 onions for a liter of water. Let the onion infuse with honey (about 100 g) to sweeten your drink. Then, pass your preparation through a sieve, before drinking it in small doses throughout the day or evening.

2. A good diuretic

For this effect, it is best to eat the onion raw. Either in a salad, or by preparing an onion wine, which will be easier to take daily for a guaranteed effect.

To make it, you need to grind 300 g of onions to which you add 100 g of honey in liquid form. Then pour 600 g of light white wine before mixing everything.

Your remedy is ready, you can take up to 3 scoops a day.

This remedy would also be very good as a preventive remedy for cancer, especially that of the colon, but also for cardiovascular diseases.

3. Heal wounds

The Health Benefits of Onions.

All you have to do is grate a little onion, cook it a little to reduce it to a paste and apply it to wounds, frostbite or for joint pain.

If you have burned yourself, add a little olive oil to the mixture and apply it in the same way.

4. Good for general health

Consuming onions regularly reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems, certain cancers, facilitates digestion and cleans the intestine, heals the bronchial tubes and wounds. It is even recommended for cases of water retention or kidney stones.