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The health benefits of lemon balm

The health benefits of lemon balm

Lemon balm is a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean basin. It is part of the Lamiaceae family and has a fairly strong lemon smell. It is also given the name of lemongrass, wrongly. Lemon balm is still decked out with other very pretty nicknames such as bee pepper or tea from France. It grows in a tuft and its stems, erect towards the sky, are hairy. They support oval and serrated leaves with very marked veins. Lemon balm also bears white or pink flowers and then small brown fruits. Lemon balm has many therapeutic properties and can be grown in the garden.

Used parts of lemon balm

In herbal medicine, lemon balm leaves and flowering tops are used.

The benefits of lemon balm

The main virtues of lemon balm help manage stress and solve minor digestive problems. In the case of mild digestive disorders, it quickly relieves:

  • Bloating
  • The eructation
  • Liver pain
  • Slow digestion
  • Spastic colitis

Lemon balm flowers help hepatic secretion and bile flow.

It is understood that if these disorders do not go away in two to three days, you must quickly consult your doctor.

In the case of minor sleep disorders, lemon balm promotes the improvement of:

  • Slight and transient insomnia
  • One-time migraines
  • Nervousness
  • Palpitations due to a state of transient anxiety

Lemon balm essential oil

Lemon balm essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial powers. It helps to relieve certain ailments such as:

  • Small skin inflammations
  • Mycoses
  • Cold sores for external use
  • It also helps heal small wounds.

Lemon balm infusion

To promote sleep in the evening, it is possible to take an infusion of lemon balm. For one liter of boiling water, you need five grams of fresh or dried leaves and leave to infuse for ten minutes. It is possible to have a cup at noon and in the evening after meals. It is better to use fresh lemon balm, because dehydrated it loses all its aroma.

Lemon balm decoction

To make a decoction of lemon balm, it is necessary to mix a large spoon of the leaves of the plant in 20 cl of cold water and bring the mixture to a boil. Then boil for three minutes, cover, steep for ten minutes, strain and drink a cup after the three main meals. The decoction can also be incorporated into the bath, as its spasmodic effect helps relieve pain caused by menstruation.

Other presentations of lemon balm

Lemon balm is also available in a 250 mg capsule. The dosage is four per day, two at noon and two in the evening.

In EPS (standardized plant extract), you should put 50 drops of lemon balm in a glass of water and drink it three times a day after the main meals.

Lemon balm cream or lotion can be applied to the skin in case of cold sores. It reduces symptoms and accelerates the healing process.

Lemon balm wine is prepared by macerating 50 grams of fresh lemon balm in a liter of white wine for two days. You must then consume two tablespoons if necessary.

In hydroalcoholic extract, put 30 drops in a glass of water and use it morning and evening. In this form, lemon balm helps relieve spasmodic bowel problems or painful periods. In case of stress, it is possible to combine lemon balm with passionflower and valerian or even hawthorn to fall asleep more quickly at night.

In essential oil, lemon balm gives very good results. It is possible to put a drop on a handkerchief and breathe it in for as long as possible. This action has the effect of calming a person after an emotional shock.

Family lemon balm water is still an old recipe. It is necessary to macerate 50 grams of fresh lemon balm in a liter of white brandy for fifteen days. Then add:

  • 15 grams of lemon zest
  • 5 grams of cinnamon
  • 15 grams of cilantro
  • 10 grams of cloves
  • 10 grams of angelica
  • 15 grams of nutmeg

Strain and take a teaspoon of the mixture in case of discomfort.

Growing lemon balm

It is possible to plant lemon balm in the garden. The plant must be exposed between sun and semi-shaded place. The soil can be poor, even stony. It is still possible to have lemon balm in a pot at home. In this case, it is possible to choose a colorful plant with yellow leaves.

Contraindications and precautions

Lemon balm should never be used for prolonged use, as it slows down the activity of the sexual glands. It should not be used in case of hypothyroidism. This plant is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation or in case of high blood pressure. It is not recommended for children under the age of twelve. It can possibly be used in addition to treatment, but only on medical advice for an annual cure of three to four weeks at most.

Lemon balm has known sedative properties and can cause a decrease in alertness or increase the action of several drugs. People taking medication must consult their doctor before consuming lemon balm.

Remember to use lemon balm in cooking. As young shoots in salads or cooked with fish, but also in desserts. It pleasantly flavors dishes, but also drinks.