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The health benefits of orange

The health benefits of orange

Making sure you have a balanced diet is one of the secrets to staying fit and maintaining your health. Vegetables and fruits in particular must be part of our diet because they provide our body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly. This is why it is recommended to eat five parts a day either raw, cooked, plain, prepared, fresh, frozen, stewed, juiced, etc. The orange, in particular, is one of the fruits that should not be hesitated to consume, especially between December and April when it offers all its varieties on our stalls. Not only is it delicious, but its health benefits are manifold.

Orange, an important source of vitamin C

Orange is a citrus fruit native to China that is one of the fruits with the most vitamin C, i.e. ascorbic acid. This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Above all, it has an antioxidant action which makes it possible to stop the acceleration of the aging of our cells.

The vitamin C contained in oranges in large quantities (approximately 70 mg in a medium-sized fruit while the recommended daily intake for the elderly is 120 mg) is essential for stimulating our body's immune defenses because it promotes the renewal and proper functioning of part of our white blood cells.

Orange is therefore a good ally to fight against fatigue, and in particular the drops in diet that we often experience in winter due to the cold and less light. It also helps fight infections at this time of year (colds, bronchitis, flu, etc.).

The orange also has many advantages thanks to its high content of vitamin C in terms of the production of what are called neurotransmitters such as dopamine or collagen, essential elements for the good health of our skin and our bones in particular.

Thanks to all the benefits of the vitamin C contained in this fruit, consuming oranges contributes in particular to preventing cardiovascular diseases, cataracts and neurodegenerative diseases, from which seniors may suffer more often. Its action is also recognized as an adjunctive treatment for colds and flu-like conditions in general.

In addition, the orange is also a source of significant contributions of other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, vitamin B5, vitamin B9, calcium or copper.

Orange, a low-calorie fruit

Another benefit of the orange which allows it to be consumed without moderation:the carbohydrates, that is to say the sugars, which it contains are very low in terms of calories. Count, in fact, about 47 calories per 100 grams of orange.

The fat that the orange contains is also very limited, which makes it a recommended food for all those who have, for example, a problem of being overweight or who must pay attention to their diet from a caloric point of view.

Orange, an ally for the digestive system

The orange is also a fruit rich in fibers that are called "soluble" or "soft", pectins. This type of fiber stimulates digestion and intestinal transit, with the consequence of helping to reduce the problems that digestion can cause.

These fibers contained in the orange also help regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, a good way to prevent and fight against cardiovascular disease.

The anti-inflammatory properties of orange

Orange contains flavonoids which have anti-inflammatory properties. This is why it is recommended to consume this fruit to reduce the pain associated with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis for example.

Orange helps our body better assimilate iron

Orange is also an interesting fruit in terms of good assimilation of iron by our body. This trace element is in fact necessary for our body to build two proteins (hemoglobin and myoglobin) which contribute to the oxygenation of our cells.

Without sufficient iron intake, anemia can occur, that is to say that the blood becomes impoverished with a decrease in red blood cells which leads to a state of weakness which can be serious, especially in the elderly.

How to consume oranges to take full advantage of its benefits

It is first important to choose the oranges that you buy, favoring those stamped AB for "organic farming". Present on our stalls in large numbers from December to April, but also generally all year round, choose those that are still very firm. Then, an orange can easily be kept for about a week at room temperature, a good ten days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator.

In order to make the most of the benefits of vitamin C intake from oranges, nutritionists recommend eating this fruit rather fresh and consuming it immediately after peeling it. If you prefer to consume its fresh juice, the advice is the same.

Orange zest can also be eaten because it also contains as many healthy elements as the flesh of the fruit. Nevertheless, it is recommended in this case to use only fruits from organic farming that do not contain pesticide residues.

But orange can also be cooked. It is excellent cooked with sweet or savory spices for example, combined with chocolate, etc.