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Pregnancy and Morning Sickness:My 3 Natural Tips for Living Better.

Pregnancy and Morning Sickness:My 3 Natural Tips for Living Better.

Morning sickness (and throughout the day!) is part of pregnancy ailments that we would do well without.

By dint of trial and error, I discovered three 100% natural tips to live them at best.

Alright, let's face it. If there was a miracle recipe to make pregnancy nausea completely disappear, we would all rush on it...

Pregnancy and Morning Sickness:My 3 Natural Tips for Living Better.

For lack of a miracle, there are still a few little economical and effective tricks that can significantly reduce them.

Personally, I would remember three:

1. We dare proteins from breakfast

Barely up, I'm already smeared. But at the same time, I feel like I'm starving. So, I more or less found a solution by favoring proteins from breakfast.

Exit the buttered sandwiches and the cup of tea. Hello eggs (obviously hard since fried eggs are forbidden to us because of toxoplasmosis!), ham (white for the same reason) and a few slices of cheese (pasteurized milk, huh, no kidding with the risks of listeriosis!).

At first, I had a little trouble. But ultimately, the nausea is indeed less present during the day. So a little effort is well worth this comfort!

2. Long live apple juice!

I discovered at the very beginning of pregnancy that apple juice considerably reduced my urge to vomit. I think the acidity of the apples mixed with the sugar in the juice must act in some way on the stomach. I don't have a concrete explanation, but in any case, it works and that's all I care about!

3. Full on olives…

In the same way that a glass of apple juice cuts my nausea, a handful of olives tends to reduce it significantly. Around 6 p.m., for example, when lunch is already far away and the nausea reappears, I nibble on a few, preferably green, to limit caloric intake. And I can usually see dinner approaching without too much angst.

Your turn...

And you, what are your tips for limiting your pregnancy nausea? Share your different tips with us in the comments.