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Pregnancy and Sleep:5 Natural Tips for Better Sleep.

Pregnancy and Sleep:5 Natural Tips for Better Sleep.

You are pregnant.

What a wonderful moment to live fully and serenely!

Yes, but here you are, you lack sleep.

Here are my 5 natural tips for better sleep during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Sleep:5 Natural Tips for Better Sleep.

1. Better Food

The first thing, very simple, within everyone's reach, is to try to adopt a diet adapted to promoting sleep.

- We make a fairly light meal, not huge quantities. We think about taking our time to chew (a meal should last at least 20 minutes!) and we eat at least 2 hours before bedtime.

- We prefer foods that make it easier to fall asleep:pasta, brown rice, brown bread, meat, fish, even a bowl of hot milk to finish. Avoid cooked fats (fried foods, breadcrumbs, sauces) and vegetables that cause bloating (cabbage, pulses).

-Finally, we keep the vinegars and spices for lunch, because they cause gastroesophageal reflux.

2. Our friends the Plants

In order to complete the effects of a better diet, or if we cannot always follow these basic rules (we keep a social life, anyway!), herbal infusions are of great help. ! Some plants are known to act on the nervous balance and falling asleep. Examples:lime blossom, verbena (€5.50), chamomile, passionflower (€4.98) or even valerian.

3. Good Positions

We can all do that too =learn the right positions to sleep better.

- From the second trimester, we stop sleeping on our backs. This position favors a support on the bladder and on the vessels. Result:urge to pee and feeling unwell or choking due to blood pressure.

- We then adopt the position on the side. Preferably the left side, so as not to compress the vena cava which passes to the right of the uterus. For more comfort, a cushion is placed under the right knee, which allows better blood circulation bottom to top.

- In the event of acid reflux (despite the best diet adopted), one does not hesitate to adopt a semi-sitting position.

4. Yoga

Yoga is a very ancient practice, which aims to harmonize body and mind. It has become a real art of living, which has largely adapted to pregnant women... So, let's take advantage of it!

"Zenitude" and comfort guaranteed, in addition to having a good time "just for yourself"... A session lasts one hour and teaches you to adopt the best postures and work on breathing (17 € 83 the Book on Yoga for pregnant women).

It also helps to soothe back pain, acts on heavy legs and heartburn. Something to avoid medication (pregnant is better) and help you get to sleep every night.

5. Sophrology

Sophrology is a "science of consciousness". Let's not have a hard time with this very serious term... Sophrology helps to fight against your stress taming it. These are scheduled sessions if necessary, with a midwife or sophrologist.

Before the session, we note our anxieties as future mothers, which are most of the time related to childbirth. It is then a question of talking about it during the session. The principle is that the soft and calm voice of the midwife or the sophrologist, as well as the control of breathing, plunges us into a state of relaxation close to sleep. It is then a question of becoming aware of all the parts of your body.

It follows the visualization without fear of feared situations, because we imagine facing them. These sessions can start around the 5th month of pregnancy, and for the most anxious I promise considerable help on stress, and therefore, on better sleep.

Here are some tips found during my little experience as a pregnant woman (well, 18 months in total!), and you? How do you sleep better? Tell me in comments.