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26 Great Tips for Living Happily.

26 Great Tips for Living Happily.

Sometimes small changes can make all the difference.

If, for example, you start the day a little earlier than usual and spend this time quietly, the rest of your day will be transformed.

So what are the other little tips that could change your life? You can choose one or two from the list below.

And I can almost guarantee that these tricks will do anyone a world of good:

26 Great Tips for Living Happily.

1. Use transportation delays as an opportunity to take a break rather than stressing yourself out. When the world in front of you becomes still, don't try to speed it up.

2. When your spouse says something to you, the first sentence you should hear is "I love you and I want to spend my life with you".

3. Stop clinging to the past and make change permanent.

4. Try to give people the benefit of the doubt if they aren't very nice to you. Maybe they are in a difficult situation that you don't know about.

5. Do the dishes immediately after eating!

6. Every day, try to be in silence without doing anything for at least 15 minutes.

7. Life is so much easier when you make a decision within 5 mins. By taking more time, we think too much and we end up never making a decision.

8. Friendship is a gift, not a possession.

9. In most cases, nothing is really as bad as one might think in the very first moments.

10. Before going to bed, write down on a piece of paper the 3 things (and no more) you want to do the next day. This is the one and only way to establish a list of your true priorities.

11. Do the most important task as soon as your working day begins.

12. Every time you get in the car, practice being in the moment and doing nothing but drive safely.

13. When you think you want to buy something, don't buy it right away. Plan to buy it in a month by noting it on your calendar. A month later if you still want to buy it, this time you can checkout.

14. Smiling…is something that helps in almost every situation in life.

15. Live somewhere you love, and try to work close to home so you can walk there.

16. Expect nothing (or much less) from the people around you. In this way, you will be much less disappointed and you will also very often be pleasantly surprised. Simple and effective.

17. Always make time in your schedule to wander off to things other than your job.

18. Meditate. You will see it helps to find meaning in many things in life. And being happy makes life easier and much better!

19. Do something that relaxes you before going to bed. And above all, do not use any electronic device such as your smartphone.

20. Don't fold your things. You save time and reduce hassle.

21. Stop taking things personally.

22. To avoid a mess, after any activity, put everything back in its place. It only takes 5 min versus 3 hours if you let the mess build up.

23. Realizing that experiences are worth far more than any possession makes life far better.

24. If you lick your glass before drinking from it, you won't leave lipstick on it.

25. When in doubt, take a deep breath.

26. Define what is essential. Say no to everything else.