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A Fitness to Start Spring.

A Fitness to Start Spring.

That's it!

Winter is over and Spring has finally arrived.

To take full advantage of this long-awaited season, we have concocted a little detox for you, free of course...

The idea of ​​detox came to me last year after I temporarily stopped sport after a small sprain, I needed a little detox to get back into it smoothly.

In a few days, I was back in top form without any particular effort, without taking vitamins, only with healthy and natural products.

Take advantage of this experience by discovering our smart tips to quickly get rid of bad habits acquired during the winter and do you good easily.


A detox must follow a few key steps so that your body is as receptive to it as possible.

Drink water at the right times of the day is the first habit to form. Know how to drink water when needed will help you conserve your energy, wake you up, prevent you from getting overwhelmed and allow you to sleep better... Yes, all that!

Changing eating habits stopping eating foods that are too sweet is the second step to take.

We are lucky, Spring is the ideal season to change eating habits, indeed the human body easily accepts the changes in this season after a long hibernation.

You will therefore be able to regenerate your body gradually by choosing foods that restore energy instantly.

Go for fruits and vegetables very tasty in this season and perfect to regain all your energy in the blink of an eye. Prefer carrots, tomatoes, beets, celery, cucumbers, spinach, peas, strawberries, raspberries and rhubarb to dairy products and fatty meats.

These are seasonal fruits and vegetables, that is to say the freshest and most energetic at the moment.

Each has different properties; the carrot has antioxidant properties, and is also good for the complexion which will prepare your skin for the sun. Beets will aid your digestion. Carrots, rich in vitamin C will stimulate your liver. Cucumber, packed with minerals, is your detox ally par excellence.

As you will have understood, with our homemade detox, there is no need to buy vitamin capsules, to take medication, to make special efforts. By eating good fresh food, you will get in shape in the blink of an eye and without spending money.