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5 tips to start training after a long break

Has it been a while since you trained? It can be difficult to get back to your fitness routine after a break, but with some effort you'll be back on track in no time. Here are a few tips to follow to train after a long break.

1. Set fitness goals
One of the most important things to do when starting out after a long break is setting fitness goals. It could be anything from losing a few pounds, toning the body a bit, or taking part in an athletic event. Writing down your goal and putting it in a visible place can motivate you to achieve your goal.

2. Set up your training schedule
The next step is to set up your training schedule. Having a plan makes it easier to stay motivated and stick to your fitness goal. Your training schedule should be balanced with both strength training and cardio exercises.

3. Train every day
No matter how busy you are, aim to work out every day. It's so easy to say you don't have time, but you need to find those 10-15 minutes to do a few exercises. Making a habit of exercising every day will definitely give you great results.

4. Reward yourself with small gifts
If you stick to your fitness plan and you achieve one of your fitness goals, reward yourself with a few small gifts, such as a facial, a massage, a manicure or pedicure or buy that beautiful dress you want. Rewarding yourself will help you stay motivated to achieve your goals.

5. Stick to a healthy diet
When you start exercising after a long break, you need to make healthier eating choices. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake and make sure you eat smaller portions. By keeping a healthy diet, you can train more effectively, have more energy and achieve your fitness goals.