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10 challenges to take on

10 challenges to take on

Learning a new habit starts small. Start with a challenge of a week or month and see what it brings about.

1. Trap Challenge

Do you remember our trap challenge? This lasted a month, but you can of course just challenge yourself for a week to take the stairs everywhere and walk up and down the stairs one extra time every day.

Read also: 'Challenge:leave the supermarket without unhealthy snacks'

2. Wearing the same outfit every day

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, wears a gray t-shirt almost every day. He revealed a long time ago why he does it:to become even more genius. He wants to make his life as simple as possible and not have to worry about "unimportant" decisions like what he's wearing today. This allows him to focus on the things that really matter to him. Worth a try, right?

3. Make good use of your lunch break

Do you usually work in your lunch at your desk? Change that by making good use of your lunch break for a week. Meet up for a quick lunch with a friend who lives or works nearby, go out for a walk, read a book. The lunch break is your time and it is wonderful to make good use of those minutes.

4. Exercise every day

You don't have to exercise intensively every day of the week, but you will soon notice how good it feels to be active for at least half an hour every day. That doesn't have to be difficult; on the days that you are not going to train, you can, for example, walk for half an hour.

5. Cleaning up every day

Clean up every day this week in a different room or corner of the house. Set the timer for fifteen minutes and try to do as much as possible in that time. Do you have too much stuff at home? Throw away one more item each day than the day before. On day one you throw one thing away, on day seven there are seven. That way you throw away 28 items in a week. Maybe after that you'll get the hang of it and stick to it for another week with ease.

6. Meditate every day

Meditating may seem like a dream if you've never tried it, but you can't really judge until you've tried it yourself. Take the effort to meditate daily for a week and discover the effect it has on your body and mind.

7. Eat vegetables with every meal

Vegetables aren't just for dinner. In the morning you can add a handful of spinach to your smoothie and you can also easily add vegetables to your lunch. For example, make a salad, soup or spread a wrap.

8. Trying a new recipe every day

This challenge takes some time and preparation, but it's a good way to try new dishes and get better at cooking. The next time you get diners, surprise them with a new top recipe from your hand. No inspiration? You can find the recipes they deliver in their boxes this week on the websites of various meal boxes.

9. Get up half an hour earlier

The start of your day will feel very different if you have half an hour of extra time. Maybe you finally have time to have breakfast, wake up peacefully, read a chapter or unload the dishwasher.

10. Take 10,000 steps a day

On average, we take 6,000 steps a day. If you go to the office by car, sit there all day at your desk and go home again, you will certainly not make the 10,000 steps. Many people will have to do something extra to get to the 10,000 steps, but it is a very achievable goal.