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Detox in 24 hours

Detox in 24 hours

Whether you sinned massively last night or just need a nudge in the right direction, this one-day do it yourself detox plan will help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

This article is contributed by Anita from Also read her previous article:Do you eat more when you are stressed?

1. After you get up:drink a glass of lukewarm water with a little fresh lemon juice. In addition to being a boost of Vitamin C, it also helps kick-start your digestion. Continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Water is the core of a good detox.

2. Before breakfast:it is not recommended to exercise intensively during a day of detox. Still, it's good to keep moving. Do you feel a little stiff in the early morning? Then do some short but calming yoga exercises.

3. Breakfast time:Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning so that you can start your day right without feeling hungry and drowsy again a few hours later. Make sure breakfast is free of grains and dairy. For example, drink a well-filled smoothie of spinach, kale, banana, half an apple and coconut water.

4. Coffee Break:During a detox, coffee is a no-go. Still in need of a little pick-me-up after the first intensive meeting? Then have a cup of green tea. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and boosts your metabolism. Something to eat with it? Opt for a fiber-rich apple or some Greek yogurt with some blueberries.

5. Take breaks as often as possible:try to pay extra attention to your health during the detox. Exercise as much as possible, including at work. Get up every hour or half hour, for example to go to the toilet or to print something. Also, don't look at your computer screen every now and then.

6. Lunch:No more after-lunch dip? Then make sure you have a light lunch, which you can eat for the rest of the afternoon. For example a delicious soup or a salad. Eat your lunch away from your computer screen and put your phone away for a while. Did you eat your lunch focused? Then walk another block.

7. Snack:still want to eat something for dinner? There is nothing like a green juice, which immediately gives you a lot of energy. No time to make one yourself? Then buy a freshly prepared juice from the supermarket in your area.

8. Relax:Treat yourself to something at home before the television hits the bin. For example, by booking a massage or going to the sauna for a few hours. You will see that all tension slowly disappears from your body.

9. Dinner:The perfect time to unwind with a healthy meal full of lean protein and fresh vegetables. For example, a nice piece of fish with some vegetables. Instead of mindlessly gulping down your meal in front of the television, eat at the table. This way you don't accidentally eat too much.

10. Get enough sleep:One of the best ways to detoxify the body is to get enough sleep. Sleep is often linked to weight loss, stress and overall health. Try to put your phone and laptop aside as early as possible, take a warm shower and give yourself time to prepare for a good night's sleep. Sleep well!

More tips about losing weight and healthy nutrition can be found on the Jasper Alblas website>>

Text:Anita Mulderij | Image:Shutterstock