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BeBio:top 5 vitamins

BeBio:top 5 vitamins

Do you think you get all your nutrients from eating healthy? Sometimes it can still be good to take additional vitamins. Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio help you make a choice from the range.

Two ounces of vegetables and two pieces of fruit are a nice start to getting all of our vitamins and minerals we need on a daily basis (RDA). In reality, there is often not enough in it and it is not versatile enough. It is important to supplement your diet with extra vitamins. We really need them for a well-functioning body and good health. But how do you make the right choice from all that selection? We hereby give you our top 5 vitamins for a good basis.

Natural Supplements Preferably get your vitamins and minerals from a health food store or specialty store, because there you will find natural supplements and not just the usual supplements. The vitamins that you come across at the normal drugstore contain synthetic substances, including fillers, so that you absorb vitamins less well. The vitamins also have a different quality due to the ingredients and the production process.

1. Multivitamin In any case, start with a good natural multivitamin. It contains a good basis of the necessary minerals and vitamins. The way to stay energetic. Especially for the athletes among us, the multivitamin is indispensable. Exercise demands a lot from your body, which means you need more micronutrients, which you get from a multivitamin.

2. Fish oil with omega 3 The fish oil is ideal for your resistance and memory function, but also for your eyesight. This oil is good for your cholesterol and supports the condition of joints and skin. It is even said that you will have very intelligent children if you take it during your pregnancy, but we leave that judgment to you!

3. D3
Sunbeams in a pill. You normally get vitamin D from sunlight, but with our climate we often get too little of it. Only after you have been in the sun for half an hour, your body starts to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D3 plays an important role for the immune system and reduces depression. In addition, it ensures that calcium is better absorbed by the bones and thus prevents bone loss. Are you pregnant, do you have dark skin, do you count yourself among the 'elderly' or do you not go outside often, then you need extra vitamin D. There is also a lot of interest in vitamin D among researchers at the moment. Recent studies indicate that it could prevent breast cancer or lung diseases.

4. C1000
If you don't feel well, if you are under stress, if you have to do heavy physical exertion or if you feel a cold coming on, take an extra vitamin C1000 supplement quickly. This can give you that boost to prevent you from getting sick or getting out of balance. You can also take C1000 daily, especially in the winter months.

5. Probiotics Probiotics are not among the daily vitamins that we would recommend, but we would still like to mention it in our top 5. It is very good to take a course of these every now and then to cleanse your body of harmful substances. For example, you can take a course of probiotics every six months, when you have completed an antibiotic course or during an antibiotic course you can also take it for faster recovery! Antibiotics disrupt your intestinal flora, but stress, incorrect nutrition or illness can also put a heavy burden on your intestinal flora. If your intestines do not function properly, your body does not absorb the good nutrients properly, resulting in deficiencies.

BeBio:top 5 vitamins

About BeBio
Willemijn and Liselotte from BeBio blog every week on about a healthy and conscious lifestyle. They show how fun healthy living can be and that a conscious lifestyle is within reach for everyone.

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