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Tiredness ? The recipe for the Lemon Detox Bath to get back into shape.

Tiredness ? The recipe for the Lemon Detox Bath to get back into shape.

Are you lacking tone and tired?

It's normal, back to school is always a trying time...

With the end of summer plus the return to work, everyone is running out of energy!

Fortunately, there is a super effective remedy to regain vitality and form quickly.

The remedy that gives the peach, is to take a lemon detox bath . Watch:

Tiredness ? The recipe for the Lemon Detox Bath to get back into shape.

  • How to
  • Result
  • When should you take this detox bath?
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Run a nice hot bath.

2. Squeeze three organic lemons.

3. Pour the juice from the lemons into the bath.

4. Also add the peels of the three lemons.

5. Relax in the bath for 20 min.


There you go, thanks to this detoxifying bath, you got back in shape quickly :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

You now feel more relaxed and energized!

And you've refueled without buying vitamin supplements for fatigue.

When to take this detox bath?

You can take this bath whenever you feel tired.

But do not hesitate to do it also at each change of season and on full moon evenings.

Why ? Because these natural phenomena can weaken us and make us more tired than normal.

Why does it work?

Lemon is rich in vitamins A and C, calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene and potassium.

Enough to make a good energizing cure!

By staying 20 minutes in the bath, the active ingredients of the lemon have time to penetrate through the skin to the blood.