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Fit into spring

Fit into spring

Advertorial – Yippie, spring is coming. Time to crawl out of your lazy winter hole and start spring fit. How? With the free 7-day A.Vogel Spring cure. This way you can exchange old habits for healthy alternatives in one week and you will start spring vibrant!

Why this Spring cure?
Do you know what is really healthy? Superfoods, good and bad fats, carbohydrates, whether or not to eat bread. The trends follow each other in quick succession. Everyone talks about it, but how do you make the right choices? Because there you are in the supermarket, with your cart in front of rows of products of which you no longer know whether they are healthy or not.

Practical tips
De A.Vogel Lenteku to make the right choices. We give you clarity in a world full of screaming messages. You will receive practical tips about nutrition that are easy to apply in daily life. Extra nice:you might lose those winter pounds right away.

What are you going to do?
During the 7-day cure you will receive an email every day full of inspiration, tips and tricks to kick ingrained habits and make your lifestyle healthier.

Various themes
Each mail deals with a current health topic. For example, we will update you on good and bad fats and what the real situation is with carbohydrates and bread. And what exactly are superfoods? Which snacks are the best to take? All this is combined with practical tips and tasty menus. So healthy is also tasty.

You will notice that every day during this week you put something completely different on the table than usual. No bread, potatoes and pasta for example. Not to deny you your plate of spaghetti Bolognese forever, but to let you taste how tasty and easy it can be to put something different on the table. You experience what it does to your body and you go into spring fit. Who wouldn't want that?

How do you participate?
• Register at
• The spring cure starts on 24 March. You will receive a shopping list in your mailbox in advance, so that you can get the ingredients at home to prepare the meals.
• During the Spring Cure you will receive an email every day with nutritional information, a new daily menu and tips and advice about nutrition. , exercise and lifestyle.
• Participation in the Spring Cure is free.