Nettle stings are very good for blood circulation blood.
Indeed, nettle activates blood circulation.
And I don't know if you've ever fallen into nettles?
But even if there is no danger to health... It's really very unpleasant as a feeling.
Pimples, swelling... You're probably wondering how long the sting lasts...
The duration of the sting of nettles is variable.
Let's say it can sting for 30 min... or several hours!
Wondering what to do in the event of a nettle sting?
Here are our remedies for quick and easy relief.
Have you been ambushed? An army of nettles got you?
Wondering what to put on nettle stings?
I have several solutions to calm the burns:
1. If you are near you , from home, there is the simple and well-known remedy of white vinegar. It is the best known natural remedy, but also the most effective. You have to soak a piece of paper or cotton in the vinegar and rub the bites with it. Let the compress act for 5 minutes before rinsing. This should relieve you. Know that you can also apply it to your dog to soothe the bite. This treatment will relieve him. And it's safe for him.
2. If you don't have vinegar handy , and wondering what to put on a nettle sting. Try to find herbs or plants around you to heal yourself. For example, you can take sorrel or plantain, two plants known to cure a nettle sting. Otherwise leaves of flowers, trees or even grass will also do.
3. First rub the leaf or plant on your hands. And then, relieve yourself with your hands impregnated with these plants which will act on the bites. This is a very practical grandmother's trick to relieve nettle burns. It allows you to pass a nettle sting
There you go, no more burning nettle stings :-)
Simple, practical and effective!
The pain is reduced naturally.
Now you know what to do when you get stung by nettles!
And so you have a remedy that can be used wherever you are in the event of nettle stings.
These grandmother's remedies are very practical. They can be used in all circumstances and prevent you from suffering while you return home, to relieve yourself with vinegar.
If you have vinegar handy though, use it to soothe the pain.
These are natural products, free for plants or really cheap for vinegar that will save you from spending your money on creams or medicines.
All these treatments have the merit of being very economical and natural. They are safe for children or pets. And above all, they really reduce nettle stings.