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10 Good Reasons to Use Magnesium Chloride.

10 Good Reasons to Use Magnesium Chloride.

Magnesium chloride has a thousand virtues on its own.

We often recommend it for minor health problems.

It is also recommended to carry out a few cures a year, in order to avoid fatigue and minor illnesses.

Here are the 10 best reasons to use magnesium chloride.

10 Good Reasons to Use Magnesium Chloride.

1. It is effective quickly

In many cases, you don't have to wait for the magnesium chloride to work. Constipation, onset of angina, food poisoning, skin problems and even infectious diseases do not resist him for long.

2. It has a preventive action

I told you in the introduction, it is recommended to do several cures a year . Why ? Because thanks to these cures, you avoid many inconveniences.

Indeed, magnesium chloride strengthens your immune defenses and fills your magnesium deficiencies, which cause fatigue, physical and mental disorders.

3. It acts on the whole organism

Your whole body thanks you for giving it magnesium chloride. After a cure, all parts of the body feel better and see a significant improvement.

Do a 3-week cure when you are tired or constipated , for example. Your skin is also more beautiful, with less acne .

You strengthen your nails and hair at the same time . You are stronger against infections, you sleep better and keep your spirits up. You avoid headaches and fight stress.

Chloride is truly the "all-in-one" natural product for your body.

4. It allows you to reduce your consumption of antibiotics

Antibiotics should not be taken too much. Most of the time, it doesn't help much. In addition, the body gets used to them and they become much less effective.

Why is chloride a good alternative to antibiotics? Because it it naturally strengthens the immune defences . This means that you fall ill less often and therefore need less medication such as antibiotics.

5. It has few contraindications

Anyone, from young children to the elderly, can take magnesium chloride. It's just its salt content which can cause problems:be careful in case of kidney failure or hypertension, for example.

If your doctor has prescribed a low-salt diet, ask for their advice before consuming it.

6. It has few side effects

Unlike drugs, here side effects are minimal . It may just cause diarrhea, as it fights constipation. It is then sufficient to reduce the dose.

7. It's easy to find

Ask your pharmacist , he always has some on hand. It is sold in individual sachets, we only take what we need. See also in your favorite organic store, the "nigari " which coagulates soybeans and makes tofu.

This nigari contains 85% magnesium chloride.

If you're looking for magnesium chloride on the internet, it's here.

8. It is easy to use

Nothing could be simpler:dilute the 20 g sachet in 1 liter of water . This liter of water can be kept in the fridge for several days. We usually drink a glass of it every morning, which is easy. It can be mixed with fruit juice, as its taste is not very pleasant.

9. It doesn't cost much

Between €1 and €1.5 for a 20 g sachet , which can last more than a week of treatment, admit that it is given. In a 100 g sachet, it costs even less:around €1.80 for 5 liters diluted.

Finally, if you consume a lot of it, buy 1 kg packets in organic stores and thus pay around €5 only for 50 liters of solution! Enough to do 20 cures of 3 weeks per year, i.e. for the whole family for a whole year.

If you're looking for magnesium chloride in one kilo packs, here it is.

10. It's a forgotten grandmother's remedy

What better than grandmother's remedies to cure everything? This one is not the best known, and yet... they did use it.

Like cod liver oil, our grandmothers and grandfathers took magnesium chloride cures every winter .

Try it yourself and you will recommend it to everyone around you and your friends. It has such a beneficial effect on the body that you will feel better about yourself, less tired, with better morale. Laboratories are going to tear their eyes out!

There you go, I hope I have convinced you of the benefits of this natural food supplement :-).

And, don't forget, this miracle product is easily found, like here for example.