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A Natural Remedy to Relieve Cramps.

A Natural Remedy to Relieve Cramps.

There are muscle cramps that are not due to sports.

They can be frequent and regular. Most are nocturnal.

These are the cramps that mainly come from a deficiency in mineral salts.

In this case, a remedy is needed that fixes the minerals. And that remedy is magnesium chloride.

A Natural Remedy to Relieve Cramps.

  • How to
  • Why does it work?
  • Precautions

How to

1. Make a cure of 1 to 2 glasses of diluted magnesium chloride per day for 3 weeks.

2. If the symptoms persist it is that, perhaps, your cramps are not due to the lack of mineral salts. In this case, consult your doctor.

Why does it work?

If you have a mineral deficiency, you suffer from an imbalance between calcium and magnesium. You lack magnesium which helps to naturally fix mineral salts.

A 3-week course of magnesium chloride rebalances the intake between calcium and magnesium. Your mineral salts will be fixed as before and your muscles will no longer have these painful contractions.


Magnesium chloride is high in salt. It is not always suitable for people on a low-salt diet. Ask your doctor for advice before starting your cure.

Magnesium chloride is not good. But you can add fruit juice or sugar.

If you run out of magnesium chloride at home, you can buy some here.