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How to Fight Stress with Cold Water?

How to Fight Stress with Cold Water?

Stress, everyone knows it!

And methods to remedy it, we are always looking for and it is difficult to find simple and effective ones.

With my thing, cold water is enough.

You do not believe me ? I explain everything to you.

A shower of cold water

How to Fight Stress with Cold Water?

As the goal is not to catch cold, remember to heat the bathroom well before starting, or cover the parts of the body that you are not treating.

Then set the shower jet on the "gentle rain" mode and direct it towards the skin, holding it at 10 or 15 cm of the surface to be treated. Here, against stress, it will be the thighs :leave the spray on the thighs until your skin reddens , alternating the two legs in turn.

If your shower head does not have a "gentle rain" function, a simple hose connected to the faucet is enough to produce a satisfying spray.

When you're done, don't wipe yourself, but dry yourself by moving your legs energetically.

There you go, your stress is gone! Cold water acts a bit like acupuncture, extending its effects to places other than the treated area.

Bonus :this cold shower on the thighs also has beneficial effects on hangovers, cellulite and heavy legs.

You tried ? In any case, you will not find any solution as economical and easy to implement. So if it worked, tell us quickly in the comments!