Anyone who has ever had a toothache knows how bad it is can be horribly painful!
And, usually it never arrives at the right time, always on the weekend or on a holiday...
Better to know what to do to soothe the pain, while waiting for a dentist appointment.
Fortunately, there are 7 effective home remedies to quickly relieve a toothache.
To calm a toothache quickly without medication, the effective trick is cloves.
Take 5-6 cloves. Boil them in a little water. After letting it cool, make a mouthwash with this infusion.
Take 1 or 2 cloves and chew them for a long time. The taste is not very pleasant but it will relieve you quickly. On the other hand, do not swallow the residues of cloves. Spit them out.
Dilute 2 drops of clove essential oil in vegetable oil (olive oil for example). Now wash your hands thoroughly and massage your gums and teeth.
It's really effective, even if the duration of this pain relief treatment is quite limited.
Clove has a really active essential oil.
Anesthetic, antiseptic and antibacterial, cloves have all the ideal properties to relieve pain before a dental appointment.
If you don't like the taste of cloves, there are other natural treatments that will bring you comfort.
Tea tree or tea tree essential oil is known to soothe dental pain.
You can use it pure in frictions on the gum and on the tooth responsible for this horrible pain.
Anti-infectious, it is often recommended against dental pain in mouthwashes.
It is one of the few essential oils that can be used safely. It can be used undiluted for a faster and more powerful action.
As it is less effective than clove essential oil, we do not hesitate to repeat applications.
This is the technique I used for my last toothache and it worked after several massages.
It is the chemical molecule to have in the family pharmacy.
Inexpensive, paracetamol dosed at 500 mg can be found without a prescription in tablets from your pharmacist. Less than €1 for 10 tablets.
However, beware of overdoses! For an adult, never exceed 6 g per day , (2 tablets of 500 mg per maximum intake).
Also be aware that paracetamol is harmful to the liver in the long term.
Composed of antibacterial agents, antiseptics, mouthwashes will act on the source of the infection and slow it down.
Pure in direct application on the tooth, they can relieve you momentarily.
But be careful, the abuse of mouthwashes could have the opposite effect by destroying all your oral bacterial flora. No abuse so.
Suck on ice cubes or eat ice cream soothes the pain. The cold will anesthetize the gums and numb the pain for a while. You can breathe for a few moments.