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Is it possible to fight infections with plants?

Some plants and other natural substances have antibacterial properties, according to some scientific works. Several substances would therefore make it possible to overcome certain infectious diseases. Nevertheless, there are precautions for use that must be observed.

A varied choice of plants and natural substances

Let's remember first of all that naturopathy is a practice with a therapeutic goal . This includes so-called "natural" means such as certain diets, massages or herbal medicine. Some promises mention the possibility of fighting infections with plants. Indeed, some "natural antibiotics" can effectively fight some infectious diseases and other everyday ailments. In case of bacterial infection, many different substances can be used. Examples include garlic, honey, royal jelly, propolis, or even certain mushrooms such as shiitake. Let's also mention grapefruit seed extract or an impressive variety of essential oils (thyme, bearberry, heather, etc.).

Essential oils (EO) contain molecules with antibacterial action , such as phenols, mono-terpene alcohols, oxides or aldehydes. These molecules are very diverse and each essential oil is composed differently. Honey, royal jelly and propolis also contain antibiotic substances and benefit in particular from an acid pH limiting the growth of many species of bacteria . Garlic is of interest for its content of organosulfur compounds, including allicin and ajoene. Nevertheless, the information regarding shiitake and grapefruit seed extract is quite vague.

Is it possible to fight infections with plants?

Know the products and their dosage

Among the illnesses and other ailments that could be treated or prevented, we find viral bronchitis, the flu, minor wounds or cuts, chronic urinary tract infections, dental pain or constipation. Nevertheless, it is important to have a good knowledge of the products available as well as their precautions for use.

Let us cite, for example, the case of bacterial bronchitis. Experts advise chewing pieces of propolis 3 to 4 times a day and performing a massage on the chest and back . The massage should be done with about ten drops of the following mixture:50 drops of radiated eucalyptus EO, 50 drops of thyme EO with linalool, 25 drops of thyme with thymol as well as 20 ml of kernel vegetable oil of apricot. According to the specialists if the symptoms persist or become more serious after three days, the visit to the doctor then becomes inevitable.

Phytotherapy is therefore part of the field of naturopathy is presented as a natural alternative to taking certain medications. However, while there are several studies attesting to the effectiveness of certain plants and other substances, many methods claiming to be naturopathic have not been scientifically validated, or still lack legitimacy. Generally speaking, naturopathy can be considered a pseudo-science. Before resorting to such methods, the important thing is to learn as much as possible. Some people wishing to go further in this kind of approach can, for example, enroll in an online naturopathic school.