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Covid-19:should all of France be quarantined? Doctors warn of worsening epidemic

Should France be placed in quarantine like Italy? For a Parisian doctor, the answer is yes. In addition, it again alerts to the dangerousness of Covid-19 and provides information that many are still unaware of.

The Covid-19, deceitful, more contagious and more deadly than the flu

While France is not yet at stage 3 of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, the toll is growing day by day. According to the latest report, our country has 2,876 confirmed cases, including 129 in serious condition and 61 deaths . However, on March 12, 2020, President Emmanuel Macron announced the closure of all nurseries, schools, colleges, high schools and universities. At the same time, Le Parisien published an article relating the testimony of Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectiology department at the Tenon hospital in Paris. For this professional, France should be placed in quarantine.

The person explains that his service is under stress with the arrival of many sick people every day. Gilles Pialoux recalls that if 80% of cases are mild cases, the Covid-19 coronavirus is more contagious and more deadly just the flu. In addition, the expert recalls the difficulty linked to certain cases in China. Indeed, patients seemed to get better and then relapsed about a week before being placed in intensive care."A patient can be fine and suddenly, the second week, on the 8th or 10th day, he finds himself in intensive care" . Covid-19 can be very deceitful as evidenced by the presence of asymptomatic people. Seemingly healthy, they nevertheless carry the virus and are contagious.

Covid-19:should all of France be quarantined? Doctors warn of worsening epidemic

Younger patients in intensive care

Gilles Pialoux also indicates that the profile of people admitted to intensive care is changing. A few days ago, the people arriving in his department were fragile people or in a state of respiratory distress. Now, it is not uncommon for people in their thirties or forties with no medical history are also admitted. “The profile of people admitted to intensive care is changing. (…) It is no longer rare to see young people aged 30 or 40, without pathology (…) This is the reality on the ground. The circle widens" , he declares to the Parisian. If the virus does not mutate, no one really knows yet why the virus also attacks the youngest.

A warning also made by Emmanuel Macron in his speech:"We must prepare for a second wave which will affect, a little later, younger people who are a priori less exposed to the disease but who will have to be treated. also" .

Jean-Michel Constantin, Deputy Secretary General of the French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation, thinks that the contamination is such that some young people develop the critical form of the disease. However, 80% of people in serious condition are ultimately rescued. But if there is no question of pulmonary sequelae after healing, these people will nevertheless be exhausted for six months . In particular, they will have to undergo a period of rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage, he specifies.

With 135,000 cases for around 5,000 deaths around the world, the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic continues. However, after the improvement of the situation in China, some countries like South Korea are setting an example in the management of this health crisis.

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