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Dermatologists warn of skin symptoms of Covid-19

According to the National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venereologists, pseudo-frostbite or irritation to the hands and feet could be new symptoms of Covid-19.

Fever, dry cough, body aches, migraines, and in the most severe cases, respiratory distress and pneumonia, are the main symptoms of Covid-19. But since the disease is relatively new to science, doctors are learning a little more about it every day. A fortnight ago, for example, a little hindsight allowed us to see that some patients could, surprisingly, suffer from a loss of taste and smell. But there is still something new.

Skin lesions

In a press release, the National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) indeed warns of possible skin manifestations of the coronavirus. These were highlighted a few days ago in a WhatsApp group of more than 400 dermatologists (liberal and hospital-university), organized by the SNDV.

Cases of hives and varicella-like rash have been reported in patients who had already had it , explains Dr Catherine Oliverès-Ghouti to 20 Minutes. The skin lesions observed are pseudo-frostbite (which looks like frostbite, but is not caused by exposing the skin to damp cold). This manifests as slightly swollen redness on the backs of the hands, fingers and toes “, continues the dermatologist, adding that, unlike classic eczema, “these lesions do not scratch, do not burn, but are a little painful » .

These skin manifestations, we learn, appeared in “patients of all ages, with no medical history, and even in children “, whose close entourage had positive cases of Covid-19.

"As the disease can attack blood vessels in the lungs, it is now thought that it can also attack blood vessels in the skin, which would explain these lesions specific” , continues Dr. Oliverès-Ghouti. To relieve them, dermatologists insist on “especially not self-medicating with corticosteroid-based creams », but to favor « greasy repair creams .

Dermatologists warn of skin symptoms of Covid-19

Stay alert

Also note that to date, these signs have only been observed in patients with few or no classic symptoms of Covid-19 . Despite everything, in the absence of further hindsight, the union suggests consulting a professional in the sector as soon as possible if these skin symptoms ever appear.

Analysis of the many reported cases shows that these events may be associated with Covid-19 , continues the press release. We are alerting the population and the medical profession in order to screen these potentially contagious patients as quickly as possible (without necessarily showing signs of breathing difficulties) he concludes.
