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Why you eat more when you are tired

Why you eat more when you are tired

When you're tired, you eat more and make unhealthy choices faster. Research has shown that, but you may have already discovered it as an experience expert. After a short night, that extensive (and greasy) breakfast is just fine.

Why is it that fatigue causes you to eat more?
You make more hormones that make you hungry, but research also shows that you are more sensitive to smells when you are tired. Sensitive in a selective way:The smell of a fig tree doesn't really do anything different to you when you're tired, but the smell of food makes different parts of the brain more active. Therefore, if you smell good food, it becomes more difficult to resist the temptation.

The fact that you eat more is not the only result of sleep deprivation. These are 3 unexpected consequences of sleep deprivation.