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Born during the Spanish flu pandemic, a 101-year-old man recovers from Covid-19

A 101-year-old man recently recovered from Covid-19 in Italy. He returned home on March 25 with all his family.

Italy remains to this day the country most affected by Covid-19 mortality with more than 11,500 people dead since the start of the epidemic. Nevertheless, we cannot help but notice encouraging signs. For example, the increase in new cases testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 has never been so low (a 4% increase in the last 24 hours, four times less than a fortnight ago).

Another encouraging sign:anyone can be cured. As proof, among the more than 14,600 people who have recovered from the disease in Italy since the start of hostilities is a 101-year-old man from Rimini. Named "M.P" by the authorities, the patient had tested positive for Covid-19 in early March.

Fate offered him this new challenge »

"M.P" was born in 1919 as the Spanish flu pandemic (so named because Spain was the only state to freely publish information about the disease) continued to rage. spread across the world. Caused by an avian H1N1 virus, the disease is estimated to have killed 20-50 million people in just two years . This is about two to five times more than the number of victims of the First World War.

The health crisis we are going through today with the Covid-19 is the most important wiped by the world since this famous flu pandemic, and like a formidable resistant, "M.P" survived both.

He saw it all , said the deputy mayor of Rimini, Gloria Lisi. War, hunger, pain, progress, crisis and resurrections. Once he crossed the 100-year barrier, fate offered him this new challenge, invisible and terrible at the same time. This shows that even at 101, the future is yet to be written .

Born during the Spanish flu pandemic, a 101-year-old man recovers from Covid-19

Like what, even if indeed the elderly and those who have underlying medical problems (high blood pressure, heart problems or even diabetes) are more likely to develop serious forms of Covid-19, there is always hope.

Note that "M.P" is not the only centenarian to have battled the disease. In China, a 103-year-old man named Zhang Guangfen has also recovered after being treated at a hospital in Wuhan earlier this month.
