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Explosion of Covid-19 cases in Haut-Rhin:the list of exceptional measures announced

To combat the spread of the new coronavirus in the Mulhouse region, which already totals 81 cases (a figure multiplied by 8 in 48 hours), exceptional measures have just been taken. be announced by the prefect of Haut-Rhin.

While the last official report communicated this Friday reports 577 contaminations on French territory and nine deaths, the Haut-Rhin region remains today the hardest hit area, with 81 confirmed cases this Thursday evening . We know that the majority of patients contracted Covid-19 during a religious gathering held in Mulhouse from February 17 to 24, which gathered more than 2,000 people around collective prayers.

In an attempt to stem the spread of the virus, the prefecture has just put in place several exceptional directives . They were communicated this Friday during a press conference held by the prefect of Haut-Rhin Laurent Touvet at the prefecture of Colmar.

Elisabeth Laporte, Rector of the Strasbourg Academy and Virginie Cayré, Deputy Director General of the Grand Est Regional Health Agency were also present. Just like Corinne Krencker, director of the Mulhouse Sud Alsace hospital group, accompanied by her head of emergencies.

Stage 2 "reinforced"

In general, the department remains at stage 2 to slow the progression of the disease, but Laurent Touvet mentioned a "reinforced" stage 2 . As such, several drastic measures have been taken:

Gatherings of more than 50 people are now prohibited in enclosed spaces . Note that shops, businesses, bars and restaurants, public transport and other family wedding-type ceremonies are exempt from this measure.

Also prohibited:

– Public meetings and worship gatherings

– Sporting events, except behind closed doors.

– Visits by minors to health establishments and to establishments caring for the elderly or disabled

The Prefect has also ordered the immediate closure of schools where sick students and teachers have been reported, as well as any other establishment frequented by children present at the famous religious gathering.

The list of establishments will be published in the afternoon.

Explosion of Covid-19 cases in Haut-Rhin:the list of exceptional measures announced

Towards home care

Virginie Cayré, representative of the ARS, also stressed that only the most serious cases will now be referred to hospitals in order to unclog them. Other cases should be cared for at home by city doctors who will be equipped with masks and appropriate equipment.

The ARS finally insists on the need to call 15 only in the event of proven symptoms.


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