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Why do you eat more when you are tired?

Why do you eat more when you are tired?

You have probably heard or even experienced that you eat more when you are tired. The question is:how come?

Research shows that not only do you eat more when you are tired, you also make unhealthy choices. The following three factors influence your eating habits when you are tired:

1. Hormones

Fatigue ensures that the hormone that regulates your hunger does not work optimally. This makes you more hungry and craving unhealthy things.

Read also: 'Why getting enough sleep is important'

2. Emotions

Some people are more emotional when they are tired. This can ensure that you fall into the pitfall of emotional eating more quickly.

3. Energy

When you are tired, you have less energy and concentration. This increases the chance that you eat something in the (unconscious) hope of getting energy from it.