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In Germany, an antivax nurse allegedly deceived more than 8,000 people

A nurse in Germany is accused of giving saline solution to at least 8,600 people instead of the Covid vaccine. The nurse was also posting about anti-vaccine conspiracy theories on social media a few months ago.

More than 8,000 people affected

Last spring, we learned that a nurse was the subject of a police investigation in Germany. At the time, she admitted to injecting saline solution into six patients to conceal the fact that she had dropped a vial of Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. However, antibody tests have since been carried out and a much larger group of people are believed to have been affected as well.

A Berlin correspondent for the New York Times and the German daily Der Tagesspiegel reveals that according to the authorities, the nurse had indeed intentionally administered a solution saline to nearly 8,600 people .

According to the health authorities, the nurse, then responsible for preparing the syringes during his working hours at the vaccination center, could have easily replaced the vials. “I am totally shocked by this episode “, laments on Facebook Sven Ambrosy, a local councilor.

The "fake vaccinated" come from the district of Friesland in northern Germany, and all were "vaccinated" at a center near the town of Wilhelmshaven between March and April 2021. According to The Guardian, these are mainly elderly people, the segment of the population most at risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19 and dying from it. Local officials are therefore urging anyone vaccinated at the Roffhausen vaccination center to get vaccinated again.

In Germany, an antivax nurse allegedly deceived more than 8,000 people

The nurse refuses to cooperate

For her part, the 40-year-old nurse (who has not been publicly identified) refuses to cooperate with the authorities. "As she remains silent with the police, we don't know if and to what extent she was manipulated during this time “, points out Claudia Schröder, a local public health official in Germany, in the New Zealand Herald.

The nurse's motive is not entirely clear yet. Nevertheless, police discovered that the woman, who was working with the Red Cross at the time, had shared several anti-vax messages on social media during the same period. At this time, authorities have not said whether they plan to charge him with any crime.

She is obviously not an isolated case. As Gizmodo points out, although Germany has already fully vaccinated 55.61% of its population against covid-19, large pockets of anti-vaccine activists are still demonstrating against any restrictions put in place to mitigate the spread of the virus, as in France where the marches are also intended to oppose the Pass Sanitaire.