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Papaya, super food for winter. Its health benefits

Papaya, super food for winter. Its health benefits

Papaya is a fruit from tropical America known for its many health benefits. Rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C in particular, it is the fruit to favor to face the rigors of winter and stay in shape during this season when the body needs help to develop its natural defenses. In addition, papaya can be eaten raw, dried or cooked, so this fruit is easily included in winter meals, especially since it contains very few calories. Review of the main benefits of papaya.

Helps increase natural defenses

In winter, the body must fight against all the hazards due to lack of light, cold, etc., to fight germs, diseases and fight against fatigue. To stay in shape, papaya contains antioxidants that help the body develop its natural defences:an advantageous benefit for age-related diseases in particular. In addition, it has been proven that a diet rich in antioxidants is associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers such as those of the esophagus, stomach, prostate or lungs, as well as cardiovascular diseases. . To make the most of these virtues of papaya, it is advisable to consume this fruit when it is fully ripe.

In the same way, papaya contains amino acids, essential elements present in the body, in cells, muscles and tissues. Eating papaya therefore makes it possible to act effectively against certain pathologies such as diabetes, cholesterol or osteoporosis, but also helps to fight against the signs linked to the aging process such as dry skin, fragility of the nails, dull hair, etc.

Papaya is also full of vitamin C whose action on the development of immune defenses is well established, especially in the fight against infections, which are more common in winter.

Fight against vision degeneration

Papaya contains pigments called "carotenoids" whose virtues are known to protect the retina of the eye against UV rays in particular. If the latter are less aggressive in winter, the eyes are constantly subjected to them. One of these pigments, zeaxanthin, has a more specific positive role on part of the eye (the macula) and helps limit the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Scientific studies have also proven the effectiveness of these pigments present in papaya, the benefits of which contribute to significantly reducing the problems of cataracts and opacification of the lens of the eye, another disease which particularly affects seniors and which can cause blindness.

Promotes better digestion

Papaya is a fruit very rich in fiber, especially in papain, an enzyme recognized for its action on the digestive system. It thus promotes digestion and helps treat transit disorders. Papaya also helps restore and balance the intestinal flora, a significant benefit especially for people who have to take medication, especially antibiotics. It is also known that a diet high in fiber is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer.

This fruit also has the advantage of quickly bringing a feeling of satiety, a useful benefit for people who have weight problems or who pay attention to their nutritional balance. With this in mind, papaya can notably be consumed in the form of coulis rather than fresh.