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6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

Thirst-quenching and full of health benefits…

Cucumber water is not just for spas!

Indeed, more and more people are drinking this healthy and refreshing drink at home.

And they are right ! Because cucumber water is not only delicious, but also super easy to prepare.

In addition, it is super economical compared to the drinks found on the market.

Today, we make you discover the 6 incredible benefits of cucumber water on your health . Watch:

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

1. Rehydrates the body

Your body cannot function properly without water. According to experts, most people should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day.

Okay, everyone knows we should drink water throughout the day…

But the problem is that drinking plain water can quickly become boring!

The solution ? Slip a few slices of cucumber into a carafe of water and let steep.

The cucumber will provide a more refreshing taste, which will naturally encourage you to drink more often .

To discover: 11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About!

2. Facilitates weight loss

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

Are you trying to lose 1 or 2 extra kilos?

Just try replacing all sodas, energy drinks, juices and other sugary drinks with cucumber water.

It's a simple and effective way to drastically cut calories from your diet.

But that's not all:staying hydrated also helps to increase the feeling of satiety .

Indeed, our body sometimes tends to confuse thirst and hunger...

So when you feel like you're hungry, maybe you're just thirsty! So, how to distinguish your desire to eat or drink?

The solution is simple:when you are hungry, drink a big glass of cucumber water first .

If your hunger goes away after you finish drinking, you were just thirsty.

And if you're still hungry, it's time to have a bite to eat!

To discover: 20 ZERO Calorie Foods To Help You Lose Weight.

3. Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are molecules that help slow down or prevent the destructive actions of free radicals on cells in the body.

However, the oxidative stress that results from this action is one of the main causes of chronic diseases such as:

- diabetes,
- heart problems,
- Alzheimer's disease and
- retinal degeneration

In addition, many scientific studies have proven that antioxidants are able to stop the destructive action of free radicals.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants .

And as you may have guessed, the cucumber is one of the best students in this category!

Cucumber has a high content of:
- vitamin C,
- beta carotene,
- manganese,
- molybdenum and
- many flavonoids with antioxidant properties.

To discover: Guide to Vitamins:What Are Their Benefits and Which Foods Have The Most?

4. Lowers tension

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

Hypertension is mainly linked to an intake that is too high in salt (sodium) and an intake that is too low in potassium.

Too much salt forces your body to retain fluids, which increases blood pressure.

Potassium is an electrolyte that naturally helps regulate sodium levels in the kidneys.

And precisely, cucumbers are rich in potassium.

Thus, drinking cucumber water helps your body increase its potassium intake , which lowers blood pressure.

To discover: 5 Super Foods That Lower Hypertension.

5. Nourishes and revitalizes the skin

Cucumber water soothes and revitalizes your skin from within .

Indeed, staying hydrated helps the body to naturally eliminate toxins , which promotes healthy skin and a radiant complexion.

Cucumbers also have a high content of pantothenic acid (also called vitamin B5), a substance used in particular in the treatment of acne.

Know that 125 g of sliced ​​cucumber is enough to cover 5% of your daily vitamin B5 (AJR) needs.

6. Boosts bone health

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

Cucumbers also have a high vitamin K content.

In fact, just 125 g of sliced ​​cucumber is enough to cover about 20% of your daily vitamin K needs.

With vitamin K, our body produces the proteins necessary for the formation of healthy bones and tissues. It is also used to help blood clot better.

And what better way to get this healthy vitamin into your diet than by drinking delicious, thirst-quenching cucumber water?

The easy cucumber water recipe

6 Incredible Benefits Of Cucumber Water For Your Health.

It's simple as hello ! Watch:


- 1/2 cucumber

- 2 liters of water

- 1 large carafe

How to

1. Cut the cucumber into thick slices and immerse them in water.

2. Leave to cool for 2 hours.

There you go, it's already ready!

Click here to discover the refreshing and ultra-easy recipe.

To vary the pleasures, add aromatic herbs such as mint, thyme, basil, rosemary or tarragon...

You can also add your favorite fruits (watermelon, lemon, lime and red fruits…)

Your turn…

Do you drink cucumber water to enjoy its health benefits? Let us know in the comments if it worked. We can't wait to read you!